OptionsSpelling Class
In This Article
Contains options that affect text processing.
Namespace: DevExpress.Xpf.SpellChecker
Assembly: DevExpress.Xpf.SpellChecker.v14.2.dll
#Returned By
The SpellChecker.OptionsSpelling property returns an instance of OptionsSpelling.
Use this object's properties to specify the word types excluded from checking, how the text selection should be dealt with, and more options when available.
The default settings are:
- caseSensitive = false
- ignoreWordsWithNumbers = true
- ignoreUpperCaseWords = true
- ignoreMixedCaseWords = true
- ignoreEmails = true
- ignoreUrls = true
- ignoreRepeatedWords = false
- checkSelectedTextFirst = true
- checkFromCursorPos = true
- checkSelectedTextFirst = true
See Also