WeekDaysCheckEdit Class
A control that allows the selection of days of the week by checking the corresponding boxes.
Namespace: DevExpress.Xpf.Scheduler.UI
Assembly: DevExpress.Xpf.Scheduler.v14.2.dll
[ToolboxTabName("DX.14.2: Scheduling")]
public class WeekDaysCheckEdit :
To select or cancel the selection of a specific day within the control, use the Value property for the required day of the week (for example, WeekDaysCheckEdit.MondayValue, WeekDaysCheckEdit.TuesdayValue, etc.). To obtain the caption of the check box associated with a specific day, use the Caption property for the required day (WeekDaysCheckEdit.MondayCaption, WeekDaysCheckEdit.TuesdayCaption, etc.).
The combination of checked weekdays is available via the WeekDaysCheckEdit.WeekDays property of the control.
To save space, short names of weekdays may be displayed by setting the WeekDaysCheckEdit.UseAbbreviatedDayNames property to true.
The typical appearance of the control is shown in the picture below.