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SchedulerMenuItemName Fields

Contains captions of popup menus and their default items.
Name Description
AppointmentMenu static Returns "AppointmentMenu". Corresponds to the popup menu invoked after an appointment has been right-clicked.
CustomizeCurrentView static For internal use.
CustomizeTimeRuler static Returns "CustomizeTimeRuler". Corresponds to the menu item that invokes the Time Ruler dialog allowing time ruler editing.
DefaultMenu static Returns "DefaultMenu". Corresponds to the popup menu, which is invoked when the view's time cells that do not contain any appointments are right-clicked.
DeleteAppointment static Returns "DeleteAppointment". Corresponds to the menu item used to remove a simple appointment or invoke the Confirm Delete dialog for a recurring appointment.
EditSeries static Returns "EditSeries". Corresponds to the menu item that invokes the Edit Appointment dialog, allowing editing of the entire series of recurring appointments.
GotoDate static Returns "GotoDate". Corresponds to the menu item used to change the date to be displayed in the current view.
GotoThisDay static Returns "GotoThisDay". Corresponds to the menu item used to change the current Week or Month view to the Day view and set the date displayed in this view to the selected date.
GotoToday static Returns "GotoToday". Corresponds to the menu item used to change the date displayed in the current view to the current date on the local machine.
LabelSubMenu static Returns "LabelSubMenu". Corresponds to the menu item that invokes the submenu, including the complete list of available appointment labels.
NewAllDayEvent static Returns "NewAllDayEvent". Corresponds to the menu item that invokes the Edit Appointment dialog used to create a new all-day appointment (in this case, the Appointment.AllDay option in the dialog is checked).
NewAppointment static Returns "NewAppointment". Corresponds to the menu item that invokes the Edit Appointment dialog used to create a new appointment.
NewRecurringAppointment static Returns "NewRecurringAppointment". Corresponds to the menu item that invokes the Edit Appointment dialog used to create a new appointment, and also invokes the Appointment Recurrence dialog which allows to specify the recurrence pattern for the new appointment.
NewRecurringEvent static Returns "NewRecurringEvent". Corresponds to the menu item that invokes the Edit Appointment dialog used to create a new all-day appointment (in this case, the Appointment.AllDay option in the dialog is checked), and also invokes the Appointment Recurrence dialog which allows specifying the recurrence pattern for the new appointment.
OpenAppointment static Returns "OpenAppointment". Corresponds to the menu item that invokes the Edit Appointment dialog used for editing properties of the current appointment. Note that if the appointment is recurring, then this item only allows editing of the current appointment, not its entire series.
OtherSettings static Returns "OtherSettings". For internal use only.
PrintAppointment static Returns "PrintAppointment". For internal use only.
RestoreOccurrence static Returns "RestoreOccurrence". Corresponds to the menu item used to restore the default state of the changed recurring appointment as it was generated by the recurrence pattern.
RulerMenu static Returns "RulerMenu". Corresponds to the popup menu invoked after a time ruler has been right-clicked.
StatusSubMenu static Returns "StatusSubMenu". Corresponds to the menu item that invokes the submenu including the complete list of available appointment statuses.
SwitchTimeScale static Returns "SwitchTimeScale". Corresponds to the menu item that invokes the submenu including the complete list of time scales available for display in the Timeline View.
SwitchToDayView static Returns "SwitchToDayView". Corresponds to the menu item used to change SchedulerControl.ActiveView to Day View.
SwitchToFullWeekView static
SwitchToMonthView static Returns "SwitchToMonthView". Corresponds to the menu item used to change SchedulerControl.ActiveView to Month View.
SwitchToTimelineView static Returns "SwitchToTimelineView". Corresponds to the menu item used to change SchedulerControl.ActiveView to Timeline View.
SwitchToWeekView static Returns "SwitchToWeekView". Corresponds to the menu item used to change SchedulerControl.ActiveView to Week View.
SwitchToWorkWeekView static Returns "SwitchToWorkWeekView". Corresponds to the menu item used to change SchedulerControl.ActiveView to Work-Week View.
SwitchViewMenu static Returns "SwitchViewMenu". Corresponds to the menu item that invokes the submenu including the list of views available in the scheduler control.
TimeScaleEnable static Returns "TimeScaleEnable". Corresponds to the menu item used to enable the selected Timeline scale.
TimeScaleVisible static Returns "TimeScaleVisible". Corresponds to the menu item used to make the selected Timeline scale visible.
See Also