ResourcesPopupCheckedListBoxControl Class
The popup checked list box control used to filter resources within the Scheduler Control.
Namespace: DevExpress.Xpf.Scheduler.UI
Assembly: DevExpress.Xpf.Scheduler.v14.2.dll
[ToolboxTabName("DX.14.2: Scheduling")]
public class ResourcesPopupCheckedListBoxControl :
The ResourcesPopupCheckedListBoxControl class specifies an additional control in the DXScheduler Suite for Silverlight. It gives end-users the ability to filter resources shown in the scheduler control by checking them in the list.
To link the ResourcesPopupCheckedListBoxControl to a scheduler, set the SchedulerControl property to the corresponding SchedulerControl object.
The common appearance of the ResourcesPopupCheckedListBoxControl is shown in the picture below.
This example demonstrates how to bind the ResourcesPopupCheckedListBoxControl control to the SchedulerControl object via the SchedulerControl property.
<dxschdui:ResourcesPopupCheckedListBoxControl SchedulerControl="{Binding ElementName=schedulerControl1}"/>