AppointmentFormController Class
Provides all settings which are required to edit a particular appointment in a custom Edit Appointment form.
Namespace: DevExpress.Xpf.Scheduler.UI
Assembly: DevExpress.Xpf.Scheduler.v14.2.dll
#Returned By
The RecurrenceFormEventArgs.Controller property returns an instance of AppointmentFormController.
The AppointmentFormController class enables you to create your own custom appointment editing form and use it instead of the default form. It can be helpful, for example, when it is necessary to add the capability to edit custom appointment fields using the custom Edit Appointment form, or simply to change the form's layout. You can customize the appointment's time interval, subject, location, description, status and label, resource index, recurrence options, etc. using the members of this class.
To substitute the standard Edit Appointment form with your own custom form, handle the Scheduler
For an example on how to create a custom Edit appointment form using the AppointmentFormController class, refer to Lesson 3 - Create a Custom Edit Appointment Form with Custom Fields.