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TimelineView.AppointmentDisplayOptions Property

Provides access to the options specifying how appointments are displayed in a Timeline View.

Namespace: DevExpress.Xpf.Scheduler

Assembly: DevExpress.Xpf.Scheduler.v14.2.dll


public SchedulerTimelineViewAppointmentDisplayOptions AppointmentDisplayOptions { get; set; }

#Property Value

Type Description

A SchedulerTimelineViewAppointmentDisplayOptions object containing options for displaying appointments.


Use the AppointmentDisplayOptions property to set the options that define how appointments should be displayed. For example, you can specify whether the start and end time should be visible for appointments (SchedulerAppointmentDisplayOptions.StartTimeVisibility and SchedulerAppointmentDisplayOptions.EndTimeVisibility), whether the start and end time of appointments should be displayed as symbols or as digits (SchedulerAppointmentDisplayOptions.TimeDisplayType), whether the recurrence and reminder icons should be displayed for recurrent appointments and appointments with reminders, respectively (SchedulerAppointmentDisplayOptions.ShowRecurrence and SchedulerAppointmentDisplayOptions.ShowReminder) and other display options.


This example demonstrates how to customize the Timeline View within the SchedulerControl. To do this, it is necessary to modify the TimelineView object accessed via the SchedulerControl.TimelineView property.

See Also