SchedulerStorage.RefreshData() Method
Updates the scheduler control to reflect any changes made in the data sources which store the appointments and resources.
Namespace: DevExpress.Xpf.Scheduler
Assembly: DevExpress.Xpf.Scheduler.v14.2.dll
Appointments and resources for the scheduler control can be stored in external data sources. To connect the scheduler control to these data sources, use the DataSource property of the AppointmentStorage and ResourceStorage objects.
By default, data from the data sources is automatically reloaded after each change is made to the data sources (for instance, when records are added, deleted or modified). Automatic data reloading can be disabled via the AutoReload properties of the AppointmentStorage and ResourceStorage objects. If this property is set to false, the scheduler control ignores any change notifications sent by the data source, and doesn't automatically reload data. You need to manually call the RefreshData method to reload the data in the data source for the changes to appear in the scheduler control.
When you call the Refresh
Note for VB.NET users: an appointment, newly created via the SchedulerStorage.CreateAppointment method has its CustomFields values set to Nothing. However, after calling the RefreshData method, which loads data from the data source, the appointment custom field values are set to the values of the mapped data fields. If the data field does not contain any value, then the corresponding custom field value becomes DBNull instead of Nothing.