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SchedulerStorage.IsUpdateLocked Property

Gets whether the storage has been locked for updating.

Namespace: DevExpress.Xpf.Scheduler

Assembly: DevExpress.Xpf.Scheduler.v14.2.dll


public bool IsUpdateLocked { get; }

#Property Value

Type Description

true if the storage is locked; otherwise, false.


The SchedulerStorage.BeginUpdate and SchedulerStorage.EndUpdate methods use an internal counter to implement their functionality. The counter's initial value is 0. The BeginUpdate method increments the counter. The EndUpdate decrements the counter, and if its new value is zero, the change notifications are enabled. Note that each call to BeginUpdate must be paired with a call to EndUpdate. If a call to BeginUpdate is made without a corresponding call to EndUpdate afterwards or if it's not called because an exception occurred, the scheduler storage will no longer be updated. To ensure that EndUpdate is always called even if an exception occurs, use the try...finally statement.

See Also