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SchedulerControl.RemindersFormShowing Event

Occurs before the Reminders form is invoked to display alert notifications for the currently triggered reminders.

Namespace: DevExpress.Xpf.Scheduler

Assembly: DevExpress.Xpf.Scheduler.v14.2.dll


public event RemindersFormEventHandler RemindersFormShowing

#Event Data

The RemindersFormShowing event's handler receives an argument of the RemindersFormEventArgs type. The following properties provide information specific to this event:

Property Description
AlertNotifications Gets a collection of notifications for reminders that are currently triggered and displayed in the Reminders form.
AllowResize Gets or sets a value indicating whether end-users are allowed to resize the form. Inherited from FormShowingEventArgs.
Cancel Gets or sets the value indicating whether to cancel invoking the form. Inherited from FormShowingEventArgs.
Form Gets or sets the form which will be invoked.
SizeToContent Obsolete. This API is obsolete now. Inherited from FormShowingEventArgs.
ViewModel Gets or sets the View Model for the form which will be invoked. Inherited from FormShowingEventArgs.


The Scheduler control supports reminders for appointments. A reminder sends alert notifications at a specific time interval before an appointment's start time. If the OptionsBehavior.ShowRemindersForm property is set to true, the Reminders form is invoked to display notifications for the currently triggered reminders. This form contains all reminders triggered at the same time.

The RemindersFormShowing event occurs before the Reminders form is displayed. It allows the default Reminders form to be replaced with a custom form. To access alert notifications for the currently triggered reminders, use the RemindersFormEventArgs.AlertNotifications property.

See Also