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SchedulerControl.InplaceEditorShowing Event

Occurs every time an in-place editor is invoked when an end-user adds a new appointment or edits an existing appointment "in place".

Namespace: DevExpress.Xpf.Scheduler

Assembly: DevExpress.Xpf.Scheduler.v14.2.dll


public event InplaceEditorEventHandler InplaceEditorShowing

#Event Data

The InplaceEditorShowing event's handler receives an argument of the InplaceEditorEventArgs type. The following properties provide information specific to this event:

Property Description
Appointment Gets the appointment for which the event was raised. Inherited from AppointmentEventArgs.
Bounds Gets or sets the width, height and location of the in-place editor.
InplaceEditor Gets or sets the in-place editor which is invoked when an end-user adds a new appointment or edits an existing one "in place".


Handle the InplaceEditorShowing event to replace a default in-place editor with a custom one. Use the InplaceEditorEventArgs.InplaceEditor property to specify the in-place editor to be displayed for editing an appointment. The processed appointment is identified via the AppointmentEventArgs.Appointment property of the InplaceEditorEventArgs object.


This example demonstrates how to replace the standard in-place editor with a custom one via the SchedulerControl.InplaceEditorShowing event.

See Also