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SchedulerControl.FormCustomizationUsingMVVMLocal Property

Gets or set a value indicating whether or not to use the MVVM design pattern to display the custom appointment editing forms.

Namespace: DevExpress.Xpf.Scheduler

Assembly: DevExpress.Xpf.Scheduler.v14.2.dll


public DefaultBoolean FormCustomizationUsingMVVMLocal { get; set; }

#Property Value

Type Description

A DefaultBoolean enumeration value specifying whether the MVVM-based mechanism for form display should be used.


Set the FormCustomizationUsingMVVMLocal property to true to activate a new MVVM-based mechanism for form display, which allows you to substitute the default appointment editing forms with the custom ones. To utilize this mechanism throughout your application for all SchedulerControl instances, use the static SchedulerControl.FormCustomizationUsingMVVM property. For an example on how to substitute the standard appointment editing form with a custom one using the MVVM architectural pattern, see the MVVM Appointment Forms demo for the Silverlight Scheduler and Calendar Suite.

You can also use the form display events of the SchedulerControl to replace the default appointment editing forms. To do this, set the FormCustomizationUsingMVVMLocal property to false and handle the appropriate event depending on the form you want to customize. This approach is described in the Lesson 3 - Create a Custom Edit Appointment Form with Custom Fields article.

See Also