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SchedulerAppointmentDisplayOptions.StatusDisplayType Property

Specifies whether the border of an appointment should be colorized according to the time status and appointment duration.

Namespace: DevExpress.Xpf.Scheduler

Assembly: DevExpress.Xpf.Scheduler.v14.2.dll


public AppointmentStatusDisplayType StatusDisplayType { get; set; }

#Property Value

Type Description

A AppointmentStatusDisplayType enumeration value specifying how to display the appointment status.

#Property Paths

You can access the SchedulerAppointmentDisplayOptions.StatusDisplayType property from the following objects:

Object Type Path to StatusDisplayType


Use the StatusDisplayType property to display the time status by the color of the appointment border, and its duration by the span of the colorized part of the border along the time ruler.

For example, when the StatusDisplayType is set to Time, the status line will have the same height as the time of its appointment, as illustrated below:



This example demonstrates how to customize the Day View within the SchedulerControl. To do this, it is necessary to modify the DayView object accessed via the SchedulerControl.DayView property.

See Also