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OptionsView.NavigationButtonOptions Property

Provides access to the Navigation Buttons options.

Namespace: DevExpress.Xpf.Scheduler

Assembly: DevExpress.Xpf.Scheduler.v14.2.dll


public NavigationButtonOptions NavigationButtonOptions { get; set; }

#Property Value

Type Description

A NavigationButtonOptions class that contains options for displaying navigation buttons.

#Property Paths

You can access the OptionsView.NavigationButtonOptions property from the following objects:

Object Type Path to NavigationButtonOptions


Use the NavigationButtonOptions property to customize different options for navigation buttons. For example, use the NavigationButtonOptions.Visibility property to specify when these buttons should be visible, or the NavigationButtonOptions.AppointmentSearchInterval property to specify how many days a SchedulerControl should scan to search for the nearest appointments for displaying navigation buttons.


This example demonstrates how to specify the SchedulerControl's presentation using the SchedulerControl.OptionsView property.

    <dxsch:OptionsView FirstDayOfWeek="Tuesday" ShowOnlyResourceAppointments="True">
            <dxsch:NavigationButtonOptions Visibility="Auto" AppointmentSearchInterval="2"/>
See Also