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AppointmentViewInfo Properties

Provides information on the visual representation of the appointment.
Name Description
Appointment Gets the appointment whose visual representation information is accessed via the current object.
AppointmentInterval Gets the time interval of the appointment.
CustomViewInfo Gets or sets a custom object to be used for rendering the appointment.
Description Gets or sets the description text displayed within the appointment.
HasBottomBorder Determines whether the bottom border is displayed for the appointment.
HasLeftBorder Determines whether the left border is displayed for the appointment.
HasRightBorder Determines whether the right border is displayed for the appointment.
HasTopBorder Determines whether the top border is displayed for the appointment.
HitTestType Gets the enumeration member which indicates the contents of the appointment when it is hit.
Interval Gets or sets the time interval of the time cells covered by the appointment.
IsEndVisible Indicates whether the appointment scheduled time ends within the visible interval of dates.
IsStartVisible Indicates whether the appointment scheduled time starts within the visible interval of dates.
Label Gets or sets the label of the appointment.
LabelBrush Gets the brush used to fill the appointment label.
LabelColor Gets the label color used to fill the region of appointment.
Location Gets or sets the location text displayed within the appointment.
Options Gets several characteristics determining how an appointment is displayed.
Resource Gets or sets the resource associated with the current appointment view.
Selected Determines whether the appointment is currently selected.
Status Gets or sets the status of the appointment.
StatusBrush Gets the brush used to fill the appointment status.
StatusColor Gets the color of the appointment status.
Subject Gets or sets the subject text displayed within the appointment.
See Also