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RibbonControl.ApplicationButtonLargeIcon Property

Gets or sets the image displayed within the Application Button in the Office2007 paint style. This is a dependency property.

Namespace: DevExpress.Xpf.Ribbon

Assembly: DevExpress.Xpf.Ribbon.v14.2.dll


public ImageSource ApplicationButtonLargeIcon { get; set; }

#Property Value

Type Description

An ImageSource value that specifies the image displayed within the Application Button in the Office2007 paint style.


A RibbonControl's Application Button displays a large or small image in the Office2007 and Office2010 paint styles, respectively. Use the ApplicationButtonLargeIcon property to specify a custom large image for the Application Button. A small image can be specified via the RibbonControl.ApplicationButtonSmallIcon property.

If the size of the assigned large image exceeds the ApplicationButton's size (44x42), it is resized to the button's size. The size of the circle within the Application Button is 36x36 pixels.

A RibbonControl's paint style is specified by the RibbonControl.RibbonStyle property.

See Also