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BackstageItem Class

Provides a base class for backstage clickable items.

Namespace: DevExpress.Xpf.Ribbon

Assembly: DevExpress.Xpf.Ribbon.v14.2.dll


public class BackstageItem :


Both the BackstageTabItem and the BackstageButtonItem classes are derived from the BackstageItem class. The BackstageItem class declares properties common to regular and tab items. For instance, the BackstageItem.Content property specifies an item's caption. You can assign text or any object as an item's caption. If you are assigning an object, use the BackstageItem.ContentTemplate property to visualize the assigned object.

BackstageItem is inherited from the BackstageItemBase, which is an ancestor for all items within a BackstageViewControl. Refer to the BackstageItemBase description for other ' properties common to all BackstageViewControl items and a detailed example of how backstage items can be managed.

See Also