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ReportDesignerViewModel Members

Provides the view model functionality for a Silverlight Report Designer.


Name Description
ReportDesignerViewModel() Initializes a new instance of the ReportDesignerViewModel class with default settings.

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Name Description
BackColor Specifies the background color for report controls.
BorderColor Specifies the border color for report controls.
BorderDashStyle Specifies the border dash style for report controls.
BorderDashStyles Specifies the available border dash styles for report controls.
BorderWidth Specifies the border width for report controls.
BorderWidthValues Specifies the available border width values for report controls.
CanEditBorderProperties Defines whether or not it is possible to modify a control's border settings.
CanEditBorderSides Defines whether or not it is possible to modify individual border side properties for a control.
CommandContainer Provides access to an object that stores all commands used in a Silverlight Report Designer.
CursorService Specifies a WCF service that provides cursor settings for various report editing actions.
DesignServices For internal use. Specifies a container for a Report Designer's services.
DialogService Specifies a WCF service that provides settings for various dialogs.
FieldListControlViewModel For internal use.
FontName Specifies the font name for report controls.
FontNames Specifies the available font names for report controls.
FontSize Specifies the font size for report controls.
FontSizes Specifies the available font size values for report controls.
ForeColor Specifies the foreground color for report controls.
InputController Provides access to the input controller associated with the ReportDesignerViewModel.
InstanceIdentity Specifies the report identifier.
IsCreating Returns a value specifying whether or not a report is still being created.
IsFieldListVisible Specifies whether or not the Field List panel is visible.
IsIncorrectPageContent Returns a value specifying whether or not the document page content is rendered correctly. Inherited from PreviewModelBase.
IsLoading Specifies whether or not a document is still being loaded. Inherited from PreviewModelBase.
PageContent Provides access to the content of report pages. Inherited from PreviewModelBase.
PageCount Provides access to the number of pages in a report document.
PageViewHeight Gets a value indicating the height of a page as it appears on-screen. Inherited from PreviewModelBase.
PageViewWidth Gets a value indicating the width of a page as it appears on-screen. Inherited from PreviewModelBase.
ReportName Specifies the report name.
ServiceClientFactory Specifies the client factory for a Report Service.
ServiceUri Specifies the universal resource identifier (URI) of the Report Service defined for ReportDesignerViewModel.
SessionId Identifies a report editing session.
ShowControlDesignBorders Specifies whether or not to show the boundaries of report controls in a Report Designer.
StatusInfoDisplayText The text displayed in the status bar of a Report Designer, corresponding to the action currently being performed.
UseSimpleScrolling Specifies whether or not a simple scrolling mode should be used for the document.
Zoom Specifies the zoom factor of a report document. Inherited from PreviewModelBase.
ZoomDisplayFormat Specifies the display format of available zoom factor values. Inherited from PreviewModelBase.
ZoomDisplayText Specifies the display text for a zoom factor value. Inherited from PreviewModelBase.
ZoomInCommand Increases the document zoom factor. Inherited from PreviewModelBase.
ZoomMode Specifies the zooming mode that is applied to a report document. Inherited from PreviewModelBase.
ZoomModes Provides access to a collection of zooming modes available for a report document. Inherited from PreviewModelBase.
ZoomOutCommand Decreases the document zoom factor. Inherited from PreviewModelBase.

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Name Description
Clear() Clears the current report editing session.
Equals(Object) Determines whether the specified object is equal to the current object. Inherited from Object.
Equals(Object, Object) static Determines whether the specified object instances are considered equal. Inherited from Object.
GetHashCode() Serves as the default hash function. Inherited from Object.
GetType() Gets the Type of the current instance. Inherited from Object.
HandleDragFieldListNode(DragFieldListNodeEventArgs) Handles the FieldListControl.DragFieldListNode event.
HandleDropFieldListNode(DragFieldListNodeEventArgs) Handles the FieldListControl.DropFieldListNode event.
HandlePreviewDoubleClick(MouseEventArgs, FrameworkElement)
HandlePreviewMouseLeftButtonDown(MouseButtonEventArgs, FrameworkElement) For internal use. Intended to support hit-testing in a Report Designer.
HandlePreviewMouseLeftButtonUp(MouseButtonEventArgs, FrameworkElement) For internal use. Intended to support hit-testing in a Report Designer.
HandlePreviewMouseMove(MouseEventArgs, FrameworkElement) For internal use. Intended to support hit-testing in a Silverlight Report Designer.
MemberwiseClone() protected Creates a shallow copy of the current Object. Inherited from Object.
ReferenceEquals(Object, Object) static Determines whether the specified Object instances are the same instance. Inherited from Object.
SetZoom(Double) Applies the specified zoom factor value to a document. Inherited from PreviewModelBase.
StartDesign() Starts a new report editing session with a Silverlight Report Designer.
ToString() Returns a string that represents the current object. Inherited from Object.

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Name Description
CustomizeReportControlEditor Occurs after a control is selected in a Report Designer.
PropertyChanged Occurs every time any of the PreviewModelBase class properties has changed its value. Inherited from PreviewModelBase.
StartDesignError Occurs if a server error appears when a new report editing session is started.
See Also