ReportDesignerStringId Enum
Contains values corresponding to strings that can be localized.
Namespace: DevExpress.Xpf.ReportDesigner
Assembly: DevExpress.Xpf.ReportDesigner.v14.2.dll
Name | Description |
New |
The caption of the New Report Via Wizard button in the Report toolbar. Default value: "New Report via Wizard..." |
New |
The tooltip of the New Report Via Wizard button in the Report toolbar. Default value: "Launch the report wizard to create a new report" |
Open |
The caption of the Open Report button in the Report toolbar. Default value: "Open..." |
Open |
The tooltip of the Open Report button in the Report toolbar. Default value: "Open a report" |
Show |
The caption of the Field List button in the Panels toolbar. Default value: "Field List" |
Show |
The tooltip of the Field List button in the Panels toolbar. Default value: "Show the Field List" |
Save |
The caption of the Save Changes button in the Report toolbar. Default value: "Save Changes" |
Save |
The tooltip of the Save Changes button in the Report toolbar. Default value: "Save the changes to the document" |
Discard |
The caption of the Discard Changes button in the Report toolbar. Default value: "Discard Changes" |
Discard |
The tooltip of the Discard Changes button in the Report toolbar. Default value: "Discard all changes done after the document last saving" |
Font |
The caption of the font face selector in the Font toolbar. Default value: "Font" |
Font |
The tooltip of the font face selector in the Font toolbar. Default value: "Change the font face" |
Font |
The caption of the font size selector in the Font toolbar. Default value: "Font Size" |
Font |
The tooltip of the font size selector in the Font toolbar. Default value: "Change the font size" |
Back |
The caption of a background color adjustment button in the Font toolbar. Default value: "Background Color" |
Back |
The tooltip of a background color adjustment button in the Font toolbar. Default value: "Change the background color" |
Fore |
The caption of a foreground color adjustment button in the Font toolbar. Default value: "Foreground Color" |
Fore |
The tooltip of a foreground color adjustment button in the Font toolbar. Default value: "Change the foreground color" |
Font |
The caption of the Bold option in the Font toolbar. Default value: "Bold" |
Font |
The tooltip of the Bold option in the Font toolbar. Default value: "Make the selected text bold" |
Font |
The caption of the Italic option in the Font toolbar. Default value: "Italic" |
Font |
The tooltip of the Italic option in the Font toolbar. Default value: "Italicize the text" |
Font |
The caption of the Underline option in the Font toolbar. Default value: "Underline" |
Font |
The tooltip of the Underline option in the Font toolbar. Default value: "Underline the selected text" |
Justify |
The caption of the Left-Align Text button in the Font toolbar. Default value: "Left-Align Text" |
Justify |
The tooltip of the Left-Align Text button in the Font toolbar. Default value: "Align text to the left" |
Justify |
The caption of the Center Text button in the Font toolbar. Default value: "Center Text" |
Justify |
The tooltip of the Center Text button in the Font toolbar. Default value: "Center text" |
Justify |
The caption of the Right-Align Text button in the Font toolbar. Default value: "Right-Align Text" |
Justify |
The tooltip of the Right-Align Text button in the Font toolbar. Default value: "Align text to the right" |
Justify |
The caption of the Justify button in the Font toolbar. Default value: "Justify" |
Justify |
The tooltip of the Justify button in the Font toolbar. Default value: "Align text to both the left and right sides, adding extra space between words as necessary" |
Align |
The caption of a control alignment button in the Alignment toolbar. Default value: "Align Lefts" |
Align |
The tooltip of a control alignment button in the Alignment toolbar. Default value: "Left align the selected controls" |
Align |
The caption of a control alignment button in the Alignment toolbar. Default value: "Align Centers" |
Align |
The tooltip of a control alignment button in the Alignment toolbar. Default value: "Align the centers of the selected controls vertically" |
Align |
The caption of a control alignment button in the Alignment toolbar. Default value: "Align Rights" |
Align |
The tooltip of a control alignment button in the Alignment toolbar. Default value: "Right align the selected controls" |
Align |
The caption of a control alignment button in the Alignment toolbar. Default value: "Align Tops" |
Align |
The tooltip of a control alignment button in the Alignment toolbar. Default value: "Align the tops of the selected controls" |
Align |
The caption of a control alignment button in the Alignment toolbar. Default value: "Align Middles" |
Align |
The tooltip of a control alignment button in the Alignment toolbar. Default value: "Align the centers of the selected controls horizontally" |
Align |
The caption of a control alignment button in the Alignment toolbar. Default value: "Align Bottoms" |
Align |
The tooltip of a control alignment button in the Alignment toolbar. Default value: "Align the bottoms of the selected controls" |
Layout |
The caption of an option in the Layout toolbar. Default value: "Make Same Width" |
Layout |
The tooltip of an option in the Layout toolbar. Default value: "Make the selected controls have the same width" |
Layout |
The caption of an option in the Layout toolbar. Default value: "Make Same Size" |
Layout |
The tooltip of an option in the Layout toolbar. Default value: "Make the selected controls have the same size" |
Layout |
The caption of an option in the Layout toolbar. Default value: "Make Same Height" |
Layout |
The tooltip of an option in the Layout toolbar. Default value: "Make the selected controls have the same height" |
Layout |
The caption of an option in the Layout toolbar. Default value: "Make Horizontal Spacing Equal" |
Layout |
The tooltip of an option in the Layout toolbar. Default value: "Make the horizontal spacing between the selected controls equal" |
Layout |
The caption of an option in the Layout toolbar. Default value: "Increase Horizontal Spacing" |
Layout |
The tooltip of an option in the Layout toolbar. Default value: "Increase the horizontal spacing between the selected controls" |
Layout |
The caption of an option in the Layout toolbar. Default value: "Increase Horizontal Spacing" |
Layout |
The tooltip of an option in the Layout toolbar. Default value: "Decrease the horizontal spacing between the selected controls" |
Layout |
The caption of an option in the Layout toolbar. Default value: "Remove Horizontal Spacing" |
Layout |
The tooltip of an option in the Layout toolbar. Default value: "Remove the horizontal spacing between the selected controls" |
Layout |
The caption of an option in the Layout toolbar. Default value: "Make Vertical Spacing Equal" |
Layout |
The tooltip of an option in the Layout toolbar. Default value: "Make the vertical spacing between the selected controls equal" |
Layout |
The caption of an option in the Layout toolbar. Default value: "Make Vertical Spacing Equal" |
Layout |
The tooltip of an option in the Layout toolbar. Default value: "Make the vertical spacing between the selected controls equal" |
Layout |
The caption of an option in the Layout toolbar. Default value: "Decrease Vertical Spacing" |
Layout |
The tooltip of an option in the Layout toolbar. Default value: "Decrease the vertical spacing between the selected controls" |
Layout |
The caption of an option in the Layout toolbar. Default value: "Center Horizontally" |
Layout |
The tooltip of an option in the Layout toolbar. Default value: "Horizontally center the selected controls within a band" |
Layout |
The caption of an option in the Layout toolbar. Default value: "Center Horizontally" |
Layout |
The tooltip of an option in the Layout toolbar. Default value: "Horizontally center the selected controls within a band" |
Layout |
The caption of an option in the Layout toolbar. Default value: "Center Vertically" |
Layout |
The tooltip of an option in the Layout toolbar. Default value: "Vertically center the selected controls within a band" |
Layout |
The caption of an option in the Layout toolbar. Default value: "Bring to Front" |
Layout |
The tootip of an option in the Layout toolbar. Default value: "Bring the selected controls to the front" |
Layout |
The caption of an option in the Layout toolbar. Default value: "Send to Back" |
Layout |
The tooltip of an option in the Layout toolbar. Default value: "Move the selected controls to the back" |
Zoom |
The caption of the Zoom In button in the Zoom toolbar. Default value: "Zoom In" |
Zoom |
The tooltip of the Zoom In button in the Zoom toolbar. Default value: "Zoom in to get a close-up view of the report" |
Zoom |
The caption of the Zoom Out button in the Zoom toolbar. Default value: "Zoom Out" |
Zoom |
The caption of the Zoom Out button in the Zoom toolbar. Default value: "Zoom out to see more of the report at a reduced size" |
Zoom_Caption | The caption of the Zoom drop-down list in the Zoom toolbar. Default value: "Zoom" |
Zoom_Hint | The tooltip of the Zoom drop-down list in the Zoom toolbar. Default value: "Change the zoom factor of the report designer" |
Edit |
The caption of the Watermark button in the Page Options toolbar. Default value: "Watermark" |
Edit |
The tooltip of the Watermark button in the Page Options toolbar. Default value: "Edit watermark" |
Error | The caption of an error message. Default value: "Error" |
Image |
The text of an error message shown when an image cannot be loaded via the Picture Box editor. Default value: "An error occurred while loading an image" |
Report |
The title of a Report Wizard window. Default value: "Report Wizard" |
Report |
The caption of the available data sources list on the "Choose a Datasource" Wizard page. Default value: "Available items" |
Report |
For internal use. Default value: "Input dataset name" |
Report |
The title of the "Choose a Datasource" Wizard page. Default value: "Choose a Datasource" |
Report |
The text of the "Choose a Datasource" Wizard page. Default value: "Select a datasource to use in your report." |
Report |
The title of the data connection Wizard page. Default value: "Add connection..." |
Report |
The title of the report type selection Wizard page. Default value: "Choose a Report Type" |
Report |
The text of the report type selection Wizard page. Default value: "Select the report type you wish to create." |
Report |
For internal use. Default value: "Standard report" |
Report |
For internal use. Default value: "Label report" |
Report |
The title of the "Choose a Table or View" Wizard page. Default value: "Choose a Table or View" |
Report |
The text of the "Choose a Table or View" Wizard page. Default value: "The table or view you choose determines which columns will be available in your report." |
Report |
The caption of the available tables list on the "Choose a Table or View" Wizard page. Default value: "Available items" |
Report |
The title of the columns selection Wizard page. Default value: "Choose Columns to Display in Your Report" |
Report |
The text of the columns selection Wizard page. Default value: "Select the columns you want to display within your report." |
Report |
The title of the available field list on the columns selection Wizard page. Default value: "Available fields" |
Report |
The title of the field selector on the columns selection Wizard page. Default value: "Fields to display in a report" |
Report |
The title of the group creation Wizard page. Default value: "Create Groups" |
Report |
The text of the group creation Wizard page. Default value: "Create multiple groups, each with a single field value, or define several fields in the same group." |
Report |
The title of table list on the "Choose a Table or View" Wizard page. Default value: "Tables" |
Report |
For internal use. Default value: "Views" |
Report |
The title of the field selector on the group creation Wizard page. Default value: "Fields" |
Report |
The title of the summary function configuration Wizard page. Default value: "Choose summary options" |
Report |
Default value: "What summary functions would you like to calculate?" |
Report |
The caption of a summary function. Default value: "Sum" |
Report |
The caption of a summary function. Default value: "Avg" |
Report |
The caption of a summary function. Default value: "Min" |
Report |
The caption of a summary function. Default value: "Max" |
Report |
The caption of a summary function. Default value: "Count" |
Report |
For internal use. Default value: "Ignore null values" |
Report |
The title of the report layout selection Wizard page. Default value: "Choose a Report Layout" |
Report |
The text of the report layout selection Wizard page. Default value: "The report layout specifies the manner in which selected data fields are arranged on individual pages." |
Report |
The caption of the Portrait option on the layout selection Wizard page. Default value: "Portrait" |
Report |
The caption of the Landscape option on the layout selection Wizard page. Default value: "Landscape" |
Report |
The caption of an option on the layout selection Wizard page. Default value: "Adjust the field width so all fields fit onto a page" |
Report |
An option on the layout selection Wizard page. Default value: "Stepped" |
Report |
An option on the layout selection Wizard page. Default value: "Outline 1" |
Report |
An option on the layout selection Wizard page. Default value: "Outline 2" |
Report |
An option on the layout selection Wizard page. Default value: "Align Left 1" |
Report |
An option on the layout selection Wizard page. Default value: "Align Left 2" |
Report |
The title of the report style selection Wizard page. Default value: "Choose a Report Style" |
Report |
The text of the report style selection Wizard page. Default value: "The report style specifies the appearance of your report." |
Report |
An option on the report style selection Wizard page. Default value: "Bold" |
Report |
An option on the report style selection Wizard page. Default value: "Casual" |
Report |
An option on the report style selection Wizard page. Default value: "Compact" |
Report |
An option on the report style selection Wizard page. Default value: "Corporate" |
Report |
An option on the report style selection Wizard page. Default value: "Formal" |
Report |
The title of the final Wizard page. Default value: "The Report is Complete" |
Report |
The text of the final Wizard page. Default value: "We have all the information needed to process the report." |
Report |
The caption of the report title editor on the final Wizard page. Default value: "Specify the report's title" |
Report |
The Welcome page title in the Report Wizard. Default value: "Welcome to the Report Wizard" |
Report |
The Welcome page description in the Report Wizard. Default value: "This wizard helps you automatically create a report based upon the options you select." |
Report |
For internal use. Default value: "Label information" |
Report |
For internal use. Default value: "Select one of the predefined labels by specifying the Product and its ID" |
Report |
For internal use. Default value: "Label products" |
Report |
For internal use. Default value: "Product number" |
Report |
For internal use. Default value: "Width: " |
Report |
For internal use. Default value: "Height: " |
Report |
For internal use. Default value: "Page type: " |
Report |
For internal use. Default value: "Page Size: " |
Report |
For internal use. Default value: "Customize the Label's Options" |
Report |
For internal use. Default value: "You can adjust the label's parameters here if required." |
Report |
For internal use. Default value: "Label Width:" |
Report |
For internal use. Default value: "Label Height:" |
Report |
For internal use. Default value: "Vertical Pitch:" |
Report |
For internal use. Default value: "Horizontal Pitch:" |
Report |
For internal use. Default value: "Top Margin:" |
Report |
For internal use. Default value: "Side Margin:" |
Page |
The default page caption. Default value: "Report Designer" |
Page |
The caption of the Report toolbar. Default value: "Report" |
Page |
The caption of the Panels toolbar. Default value: "Panels" |
Page |
The caption of the Font toolbar. Default value: "Font" |
Page |
The caption of the Alignment toolbar. Default value: "Alignment" |
Page |
The caption of the Layout toolbar. Default value: "Layout" |
Page |
The caption of the Zoom toolbar. Default value: "Zoom" |
Page |
The caption of the Page Options toolbar. Default value: "Page options" |
Load |
Image |
The caption of the Image tab in the Picture Box editor. Default value: "Image" |
Binding |
The caption of the Binding editor. Default value: "Binding" |
Line |
The caption of a Line's actions list that is accessible via its smart tag. Default value: "Line" |
Line |
The caption of the Line Direction property in the actions list that is accessible via a Line's smart tag. Default value: "Line direction: " |
Line |
The caption of the Line Style property in the actions list that is accessible via a Line's smart tag. Default value: "Line style: " |
Line |
The caption of the Line Width property in the actions list that is accessible via a Line's smart tag. Default value: "Line width: " |
Line |
The caption of the Foreground Color property in the actions list that is accessible via a Line's smart tag. Default value: "Foreground color: " |
Shape |
The caption of a Shape's actions list that is accessible via its smart tag. Default value: "Shape" |
Shape |
The caption of the Shape property in the actions list that is accessible via a Shape's smart tag. Default value: "Shape: " |
Shape |
The caption of the Fill Color property in the actions list that is accessible via a Shape's smart tag. Default value: "Fill color: " |
Shape |
The caption of the Angle property in the actions list that is accessible via a Shape's smart tag. Default value: "Angle: " |
Shape |
The caption of the Stretch property in the actions list that is accessible via a Shape's smart tag. Default value: "Stretch: " |
Shape |
The caption of the Line Width property in the actions list that is accessible via a Shape's smart tag. Default value: "Line width: " |
Shape |
The caption of the Fillet property in the actions list that is accessible via a Shape's smart tag. Default value: "Fillet: " |
Shape |
The caption of the Number Of Star Points property in the actions list that is accessible via a Shape's smart tag. Default value: "The number of star points: " |
Shape |
The caption of the Number Of Sides property in the actions list that is accessible via a Shape's smart tag. Default value: "The number of sides: " |
Image |
The caption of the Load button in the Image tab of the Picture Box editor. Default value: "Load" |
Image |
The caption of the Clear button in the Image tab of the Picture Box editor. Default value: "Clear" |
Page |
The caption of the Page Setup button in the Page Options toolbar. Default value: "Page Setup" |
Page |
The tooltip of the Page Setup button in the Page Options toolbar. Default value: "Show the Page Setup dialog" |
Command |
The text of exception thrown when trying to obtain a command from a Report Default value: "The command's id is null or empty" |
Command |
The text of exception thrown when trying to obtain a non-existing command from a Report Default value: "The command's id is invalid" |
Field |
The caption of the Field List panel. Default value: "Field List" |
Field |
The caption of the None item in the Field List. Default value: "None" |
Field |
The caption of a dummy node in the Field List. Default value: "..." |
Field |
The caption of the control fields category in the Field List. Default value: "Control Fields" |
Field |
The caption of a label control in the Field List. Default value: "Label" |
Field |
The caption of a check box control in the Field List. Default value: "Check Box" |
Field |
The caption of a picture box control in the Field List. Default value: "Picture Box" |
Field |
The caption of a shape control in the Field List. Default value: "Shape" |
Field |
The caption of a line control in the Field List. Default value: "Line" |
Status |
The content displayed in the status bar. Default value: "x={0} y={1} {2} pixels x {3} pixels" |
Page |
The caption of the Borders toolbar. Default value: "Borders" |
Borders_Caption | The caption of a border selection button in the Borders toolbar. Default value: "Borders" |
Borders_Hint | The tooltip of a border selection button in the Borders toolbar. Default value: "Edit border settings of an element" |
Borders |
The caption of a border setting item in the Borders drop-down menu. Default value: "Top Border" |
Borders |
The caption of a border setting item in the Borders drop-down menu. Default value: "All Borders" |
Borders |
The caption of a border setting item in the Borders drop-down menu. Default value: "Right Border" |
Borders |
The caption of a border setting item in the Borders drop-down menu. Default value: "Bottom Border" |
Borders |
The caption of a border setting item in the Borders drop-down menu. Default value: "Left Border" |
Borders |
The caption of a border setting item in the Borders drop-down menu. Default value: "No Border" |
Border |
The caption of a border color adjustment button in the Borders toolbar. Default value: "Color" |
Border |
The tooltip of a border color adjustment button in the Borders toolbar. Default value: "Specify the color of an element's border" |
Border |
The tooltip of a border dash style adjustment button in the Borders toolbar. Default value: "Specify the dash style for an element's border" |
Border |
The tooltip of a border width adjustment button in the Borders toolbar. Default value: "Specify the width of an element's border" |
Show |
The caption of the Design Borders button in the Design toolbar. Default value: "Design Borders" |
Show |
The tooltip of the Design Borders button in the Design toolbar. Default value: "Show control Design Borders" |
Page |
The caption of the Design toolbar. Default value: "Design" |
#Passed To
You can pass ReportDesignerStringId values to the ReportDesignerStringIdExtension.StringId property.