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SimpleLink.CreateDetail Event

Occurs every time the detail area of a SimpleLink is created.

Namespace: DevExpress.Xpf.Printing

Assembly: DevExpress.Xpf.Printing.v14.2.dll


public event EventHandler<CreateAreaEventArgs> CreateDetail

#Event Data

The CreateDetail event's handler receives an argument of the CreateAreaEventArgs type. The following properties provide information specific to this event:

Property Description
Data Gets or sets the object, which represents data for the area creation event.
DetailIndex Gets or sets the index of a detail row for which the area creation event was called.


The CreateDetail event is raised after the LinkBase.CreateDocument method is called for the SimpleLink object. This event is raised as many times as specified by the SimpleLink.DetailCount property value.

Handle the CreateDetail event to provide data for the detail area. An object containing data should be assigned to the CreateAreaEventArgs.Data property, and it will be represented using the template provided by the SimpleLink.DetailTemplate property.


Do not pass visual objects (such as TextBox) as detail area data, or the printing engine will not work as expected.


This example demonstrates how to use the SimpleLink class to print data from a non-hierarchical data source, by using the following approach.

See Also