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ReportServicePreviewModel Events
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Provides the Preview Model functionality for a Report Service.
Name Description
CreateDocumentError Occurs if an error occurs when attempting to create a document.
ExportError Occurs in case of any error while exporting a report document.
GetPageError Occurs when an error occurs on an attempt to request a document's page.
ParametersMergingError Fires if errors occur while processing report parameters during creation of the report document.
PreviewClick Occurs when the left mouse button is clicked in the document area in a Document Viewer. Inherited from DocumentPreviewModelBase.
PreviewDoubleClick Inherited from DocumentPreviewModelBase.
PreviewMouseMove Occurs when the mouse cursor moves over the document area in a Document Viewer. Inherited from DocumentPreviewModelBase.
PrintError Occurs if an error occurs while printing a document.
PropertyChanged Occurs every time any of the PreviewModelBase class properties has changed its value. Inherited from PreviewModelBase.
See Also