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PrintingSystemPreviewModel Properties
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The base class for classes that provide the Preview Model functionality.
Name Description
CurrentPageIndex Specifies the zero-based current page index. Inherited from DocumentPreviewModelBase.
CurrentPageNumber Specifies the current page number. Inherited from DocumentPreviewModelBase.
CursorService Specifies the service that is used to customize the mouse pointer settings on the client. Inherited from PreviewModelBase.
DialogService Specifies the service that is used to invoke dialog windows on the client. An object implementing the IDialogService interface. Inherited from PreviewModelBase.
DocumentMapRootNode For internal use. Specifies the root node for the report's Document Map.
DocumentMapSelectedNode For internal use. Gets the currently selected node of the Document Map. Inherited from DocumentPreviewModelBase.
ExportCommand Exports the current document. Inherited from DocumentPreviewModelBase.
FirstPageCommand Navigates to the first page of the current document. Inherited from DocumentPreviewModelBase.
FoundBrickInfo For internal use. Required to highlight an element found using the Search option. Inherited from DocumentPreviewModelBase.
InputController Provides access to the input controller associated with the DocumentPreviewModelBase. Inherited from DocumentPreviewModelBase.
IsCreating Gets a value indicating whether or not the document is being created.
IsDocumentMapVisible Specifies whether or not the Document Map panel is visible. Inherited from DocumentPreviewModelBase.
IsEmptyDocument Gets the value specifying whether or not the document has any pages. Inherited from DocumentPreviewModelBase.
IsIncorrectPageContent Returns a value specifying whether or not the document page content is rendered correctly. Inherited from PreviewModelBase.
IsLoading Specifies whether or not a document is still being loaded. Inherited from PreviewModelBase.
IsOpenButtonVisible Gets the value indicating whether or not the Open button is available in the Bar Manager of the Document Viewer. Inherited from DocumentPreviewModelBase.
IsParametersPanelVisible Specifies whether or not the Parameters panel is visible. Inherited from DocumentPreviewModelBase.
IsSaveButtonVisible Gets the value indicating whether or not the Save button is available in the Bar Manager of the Document Viewer. Inherited from DocumentPreviewModelBase.
IsScaleVisible Gets the value indicating whether or not the Scale button is available in the Bar Manager of the Document Viewer.
IsSearchPanelVisible Specifies whether or not the Search panel is visible in Document Preview. Inherited from DocumentPreviewModelBase.
IsSearchVisible Gets the value indicating whether or not the Search command is accessible in a Document Viewer.
IsSendVisible Gets the value indicating whether or not the Send via e-mail... button is available in the Bar Manager of the Document Viewer. Inherited from DocumentPreviewModelBase.
IsSetWatermarkVisible Specifies whether or not the Watermark button is visible. Inherited from DocumentPreviewModelBase.
LastPageCommand Navigates to the last page of the current document. Inherited from DocumentPreviewModelBase.
NextPageCommand Navigates to the next page of the current document. Inherited from DocumentPreviewModelBase.
OpenCommand Inherited from DocumentPreviewModelBase.
PageContent Provides access to the content of report pages. Inherited from PreviewModelBase.
PageCount Specifies the number of pages in the document shown in the Preview Model.
PageSetupCommand Runs the Page Setup dialog for the current document. Inherited from DocumentPreviewModelBase.
PageViewHeight Gets a value indicating the height of a page as it appears on-screen. Inherited from PreviewModelBase.
PageViewWidth Gets a value indicating the width of a page as it appears on-screen. Inherited from PreviewModelBase.
ParametersModel Inherited from DocumentPreviewModelBase.
PreviousPageCommand Navigates to the previous page of the current document. Inherited from DocumentPreviewModelBase.
PrintCommand Prints the current document. Inherited from DocumentPreviewModelBase.
PrintDirectCommand Inherited from DocumentPreviewModelBase.
ProgressMarqueeVisibility Indicates the current visibility of the Marquee (Indeterminate) Progress Bar, which appears in the Document Viewer while the document is being created.
ProgressMaximum Specifies the maximum absolute value shown in the Progress Bar, which appears in the Print Preview while the document is being created.
ProgressValue Gets the current progress value shown in the Progress Bar, which appears in the Print Preview while the document is being created.
ProgressVisibility Gets the current visibility of the Progress Bar, which appears in the Print Preview while the document is being created.
SaveCommand Inherited from DocumentPreviewModelBase.
ScaleCommand Adjusts the scale of the current report. Inherited from DocumentPreviewModelBase.
SendCommand Inherited from DocumentPreviewModelBase.
StopCommand Stops creating the document. Inherited from DocumentPreviewModelBase.
ToggleDocumentMapCommand Executes the command, which shows or hides the Document Map panel. Inherited from DocumentPreviewModelBase.
ToggleParametersPanelCommand Executes the command, which shows or hides the Parameters panel. Inherited from DocumentPreviewModelBase.
ToggleSearchPanelCommand Executes the command, which shows or hides the Search panel. Inherited from DocumentPreviewModelBase.
UseSimpleScrolling Specifies whether a simple scrolling mode should be used for the document. Inherited from PreviewModelBase.
WatermarkCommand Shows the Watermark dialog. Inherited from DocumentPreviewModelBase.
Zoom Specifies the zoom factor of a report document. Inherited from PreviewModelBase.
ZoomDisplayFormat Specifies the display format of available zoom factor values. Inherited from PreviewModelBase.
ZoomDisplayText Specifies the display text for a zoom factor value. Inherited from PreviewModelBase.
ZoomInCommand Increases the document zoom factor. Inherited from PreviewModelBase.
ZoomMode Specifies the zooming mode that is applied to a report document. Inherited from PreviewModelBase.
ZoomModes Provides access to a collection of zooming modes available for a report document. Inherited from PreviewModelBase.
ZoomOutCommand Decreases the document zoom factor. Inherited from PreviewModelBase.
See Also