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PrintingSystemPreviewModel.IsCreating Property

Gets a value indicating whether or not the document is being created.

Namespace: DevExpress.Xpf.Printing

Assembly: DevExpress.Xpf.Printing.v14.2.dll


public override bool IsCreating { get; protected set; }

#Property Value

Type Description

true if the document creation isn't finished; otherwise, false.


By default, when a report's Print Preview is displayed, if a document's pages are not ready by that time (e.g. if the LinkBase.CreateDocument method wasn't previously called), the first report page is immediately created and displayed. The creation of all other report pages is performed silently when the application is idle, and these pages are progressively rendered in the Print Preview.

This behavior allows end-users to start working with the document before all its pages are ready. However, if you start printing or exporting the document via code before all its pages are ready, an exception will be thrown. To avoid this situation, check the IsCreating property before performing any actions with the current document, and don't perform them until the IsCreating property returns false.

See Also