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PrintingLocalizer.GetString(PrintingStringId) Method

Returns a localized string for the given string identifier.

Namespace: DevExpress.Xpf.Printing

Assembly: DevExpress.Xpf.Printing.v14.2.dll


public static string GetString(
    PrintingStringId id


Name Type Description
id PrintingStringId

A PrintingStringId enumeration value identifying the string to localize.


Type Description

A String corresponding to the specified identifier.


The Document Viewer supports localization, i.e. you can substitute strings displayed within default context menus with your own equivalents (for example, in your native language). Items that can be localized are enumerated by the PrintingStringId enumeration.

To localize the Document Preview resources, you need to override the GetString method in a PrintingLocalizer class descendant.

For more information, see Localization.

See Also