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IPreviewModel Members

In This Article
Provides the basic functionality for a document's Preview Model.


Name Description
InputController Provides access to the input controller associated with the IPreviewModel.
IsCreating Specifies whether or not a document is still being created.
IsIncorrectPageContent Returns a value specifying whether or not the document page content is rendered correctly.
IsLoading Specifies whether or not a document is still being loaded.
PageContent Provides access to the content of report pages.
PageCount Gets a value indicating the total number of pages in a report document.
PageViewHeight Gets a value indicating the height of a page as it appears on-screen.
PageViewWidth Gets a value indicating the width of a page as it appears on-screen.
Zoom Specifies the zoom factor of a report document.
ZoomDisplayFormat Specifies the display format of available zoom factor values.
ZoomDisplayText Specifies the display text for a zoom factor value.
ZoomInCommand Increases the document zoom factor.
ZoomMode Specifies the zooming mode that is applied to a report document.
ZoomModes Provides access to a collection of zooming modes available for a report document.
ZoomOutCommand Decreases the document zoom factor.

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Name Description
PropertyChanged Occurs when a property value changes. Inherited from INotifyPropertyChanged.
See Also