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IDocumentPreviewModel.ProgressMarqueeVisibility Property

Indicates the current visibility of the Marquee (Indeterminate) Progress Bar, which appears in the Document Viewer while the document is being created.

Namespace: DevExpress.Xpf.Printing

Assembly: DevExpress.Xpf.Printing.v14.2.dll


bool ProgressMarqueeVisibility { get; }

#Property Value

Type Description

true, if the Marquee Progress Bar is visible; otherwise false.


Depending on the document content, the Document Viewer can display progress bars of the following two types.

  • Native


    The visibility of this Progress Bar type is indicated by the IDocumentPreviewModel.ProgressVisibility property.

  • Marquee (Indeterminate)


    The visibility of this Progress Bar type is indicated by the ProgressMarqueeVisibility property.

See Also