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PivotGridField Properties
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Represents a pivot grid field.
Name Description
ActualCellTemplate Gets the template, actually used to display the cells of the current field. This is a dependency property.
ActualCellTemplateSelector Gets the actual template selector that chooses a cell template based on custom logic. This is a dependency property.
ActualHeaderContentStyle Gets the style actually applied to the field header. This is a dependency property.
ActualHeaderListTemplate Gets the template actually used to display the field header in the Customization Form when headers are arranged in a list. This is a dependency property.
ActualHeaderListTemplateSelector Gets the actual template selector that chooses a template, used to display the field header in the Customization Form when headers are arranged in a list. This is a dependency property.
ActualHeaderTemplate Gets the template actually used to display the header of the current field. This is a dependency property.
ActualHeaderTemplateSelector Gets the actual template selector that chooses a field header template based on custom logic. This is a dependency property.
ActualHeaderTreeViewTemplate Gets the template actually used to display the field header in the Customization Form when headers are arranged in a tree. This is a dependency property.
ActualHeaderTreeViewTemplateSelector Gets the actual template selector that chooses a template, used to display the field header in the Customization Form when headers are arranged in a tree. This is a dependency property.
ActualKpiGraphic Gets a graphic set actually used to indicate KPI values. This is a dependency property.
ActualPrintCellTemplate Gets the template actually used to print the cells of the current field. This is a dependency property.
ActualPrintCellTemplateSelector Gets the actual template selector that chooses a print template for data cells based on custom logic. This is a dependency property.
ActualPrintHeaderTemplate Gets the template actually used to print the header of the current field. This is a dependency property.
ActualPrintHeaderTemplateSelector Gets the actual template selector that chooses a print template for field headers based on custom logic. This is a dependency property.
ActualPrintValueTemplate Gets the template actually used to print the values of the current field. This is a dependency property.
ActualPrintValueTemplateSelector Gets the actual template selector that chooses a print template for field values based on custom logic. This is a dependency property.
ActualValueTemplate Gets the template actually used to display the values of the current field. This is a dependency property.
ActualValueTemplateSelector Gets the actual template selector that chooses a field value template based on custom logic. This is a dependency property.
AllowDrag Gets or sets whether an end-user is allowed to drag the Field Header. This is a dependency property.
AllowDragInCustomizationForm Gets or sets whether end-users are allowed to drag field headers between areas in the Customization Form. This is a dependency property.
AllowDrop Overrides the AllowDrop property to hide it. Inherited from DXFrameworkContentElement.
AllowedAreas Gets or sets the areas within which the field can be positioned. This is a dependency property.
AllowExpand Gets or sets whether an end-user is allowed to expand/collapse the rows or columns which correspond to the current field. This is a dependency property.
AllowFilter Gets or sets whether an end-user can apply a filter to the current field. This is a dependency property.
AllowSort Gets or sets whether an end-user can modify the field's current sort order. This is a dependency property.
AllowSortBySummary Gets or sets whether end-users can sort the current row/column field values by other column/row summary values. This is a dependency property.
AllowUnboundExpressionEditor Gets or sets whether end-users can invoke the Expression Editor for the field. This is a dependency property.
Area Gets or sets the area in which the field is displayed. This is a dependency property.
AreaIndex Gets or sets the field's index among the other fields displayed within the same area. This is a dependency property.
AreAnyTouchesCaptured Gets a value that indicates whether at least one touch is captured to this element. Inherited from ContentElement.
AreAnyTouchesCapturedWithin Gets a value that indicates whether at least one touch is captured to this element or to any child elements in its visual tree. Inherited from ContentElement.
AreAnyTouchesDirectlyOver Gets a value that indicates whether at least one touch is pressed over this element. Inherited from ContentElement.
AreAnyTouchesOver Gets a value that indicates whether at least one touch is pressed over this element or any child elements in its visual tree. Inherited from ContentElement.
BestFitArea Gets or sets which interface elements are taken into account when calculating optimal width for field columns (or height for rows). This is a dependency property.
BestFitMaxRowCount Gets or sets the number of cells taken into account when calculating the optimal width required for a column (or row) to completely display its contents. This is a dependency property.
BestFitMode Gets or sets how the optimal width required for a column (or row), to completely display its contents is calculated. This is a dependency property.
BindingGroup Overrides the BindingGroup property, to hide it. Inherited from DXFrameworkContentElement.
Caption Gets or sets the field's display caption. This is a dependency property.
CellFormat Gets or sets the string used to format the cells. This is a dependency property.
CellTemplate Gets or sets a template used to display cells that correspond to the current field. This is a dependency property.
CellTemplateSelector Gets or sets an object that chooses a cell template based on custom logic. This is a dependency property.
CommandBindings Overrides the CommandBindings property to hide it. Inherited from DXFrameworkContentElement.
ContextMenu Overrides the ContextMenu property to hide it. Inherited from DXFrameworkContentElement.
Cursor Overrides the Cursor property to hide it. Inherited from DXFrameworkContentElement.
CustomTotals Gets the collection of custom totals for the current field.
DataContext Gets or sets the data context for an element when it participates in data binding. Inherited from FrameworkContentElement.
DataType Gets the field's data type.
DefaultStyleKey protected Gets or sets the key to use to find the style template for this control in themes. Inherited from FrameworkContentElement.
DependencyObjectType Gets the DependencyObjectType that wraps the CLR type of this instance. Inherited from DependencyObject.
Dispatcher Gets the Dispatcher this DispatcherObject is associated with. Inherited from DispatcherObject.
DisplayFolder Gets or sets the name of the folder in which the field is located. This is a dependency property.
DisplayText Gets the string displayed within the field's header. This is a dependency property.
DropDownFilterListSize Gets or sets the width and height of the field's filter dropdown. This is a dependency property.
EmptyCellText Gets the text displayed by an empty cell. This is a dependency property.
EmptyValueText Gets the text used for an empty field value header. This is a dependency property.
ExpandedInFieldsGroup Gets or sets the expansion status of the current field if it belongs to a field group. This is a dependency property.
ExpressionFieldName Gets the name by which the field is referred to in unbound expressions.
FieldName Gets or sets the name of the data source field assigned to the current PivotGridField object. This is a dependency property.
FilterValues Gets or sets the filter values for the current field.
Focusable Overrides the Focusable property to hide it. Inherited from DXFrameworkContentElement.
FocusVisualStyle Overrides the FocusVisualStyle property to hide it. Inherited from DXFrameworkContentElement.
ForceCursor Overrides the ForceCursor property to hide it. Inherited from DXFrameworkContentElement.
GrandTotalCellFormat Gets or sets the string used to format grand total values. This is a dependency property.
GrandTotalText Gets or sets the text displayed within the Grand Total's header that corresponds to the current field. This is a dependency property.
Group Gets or sets the group which owns the current field. This is a dependency property.
GroupIndex Gets or sets the index of the field in a field group. This is a dependency property.
GroupInterval Gets or sets how the values of the current column or row field are combined into groups. This is a dependency property.
GroupIntervalNumericRange Gets or sets the length of intervals into which field values are grouped. This is a dependency property.
HasAnimatedProperties Overrides the HasAnimatedProperties property to hide it. Inherited from DXFrameworkContentElement.
HeaderContentStyle Gets or sets a style applied to the field header. This is a dependency property.
HeaderListTemplate Gets the template used to display the field header in the Customization Form when headers are arranged in a list. This is a dependency property.
HeaderListTemplateSelector Gets or sets an object that chooses a template used to display the field header in the Customization Form when headers are arranged in a list. This is a dependency property.
HeaderTemplate Gets or sets a template used to display the header of the current field. This is a dependency property.
HeaderTemplateSelector Gets or sets an object that chooses a field header template based on custom logic. This is a dependency property.
HeaderTreeViewTemplate Gets the template used to display the field header in the Customization Form when headers are arranged in a tree. This is a dependency property.
HeaderTreeViewTemplateSelector Gets or sets an object that chooses a template used to display the field header in the Customization Form when headers are arranged in a tree. This is a dependency property.
Height Gets or sets the height of rows that correspond to the current field. This is a dependency property.
HideEmptyVariationItems Gets or sets whether the first (empty) column/row that displays variation data for the current data field must be hidden. This is a dependency property.
InputBindings Overrides the InputBindings property to hide it. Inherited from DXFrameworkContentElement.
InputScope Overrides the InputScope property to hide it. Inherited from DXFrameworkContentElement.
IsEnabled Overrides the IsEnabled property to hide it. Inherited from DXFrameworkContentElement.
IsEnabledCore protected Gets a value that becomes the return value of IsEnabled in derived classes. Inherited from ContentElement.
IsFocused Overrides the IsFocused property to hide it. Inherited from DXFrameworkContentElement.
IsInitialized Gets a value indicating whether this element has been initialized, either by being loaded as Extensible Application Markup Language (XAML), or by explicitly having its EndInit() method called. Inherited from FrameworkContentElement.
IsInputMethodEnabled Overrides the IsInputMethodEnabled property to hide it. Inherited from DXFrameworkContentElement.
IsKeyboardFocused Overrides the IsKeyboardFocused property to hide it. Inherited from DXFrameworkContentElement.
IsKeyboardFocusWithin Overrides the IsKeyboardFocusWithin property to hide it. Inherited from DXFrameworkContentElement.
IsLoaded Gets a value indicating whether this element has been loaded for presentation. Inherited from FrameworkContentElement.
IsMouseCaptured Overrides the IsMouseCaptured property to hide it. Inherited from DXFrameworkContentElement.
IsMouseCaptureWithin Overrides the IsMouseCaptureWithin property to hide it. Inherited from DXFrameworkContentElement.
IsMouseDirectlyOver Overrides the IsMouseDirectlyOver property to hide it. Inherited from DXFrameworkContentElement.
IsMouseOver Overrides the IsMouseOver property to hide it. Inherited from DXFrameworkContentElement.
IsSealed Overrides the IsSealed property to hide it. Inherited from DXFrameworkContentElement.
IsStylusCaptured Overrides the IsStylusCaptured property to hide it. Inherited from DXFrameworkContentElement.
IsStylusCaptureWithin Overrides the IsStylusCaptureWithin property to hide it. Inherited from DXFrameworkContentElement.
IsStylusDirectlyOver Overrides the IsStylusDirectlyOver property to hide it. Inherited from DXFrameworkContentElement.
IsStylusOver Overrides the IsStylusOver property to hide it. Inherited from DXFrameworkContentElement.
KpiGraphic Gets or sets a graphic set used to indicate KPI values. This is a dependency property.
KpiType Gets the KPI type. This is a dependency property.
Language Overrides the Language property to hide it. Inherited from DXFrameworkContentElement.
MinHeight Gets or sets the minimum allowed height of rows that correspond to the current field. This is a dependency property.
MinWidth Gets or sets the minimum allowed width of columns that correspond to the current field. This is a dependency property.
Name Gets or sets the field's name.
OlapDrillDownColumnName In OLAP mode, gets the name of the corresponding column in the underlying data source, on an OLAP server.
OlapFilterByUniqueName Gets or sets whether PivotGridControl should take into account OLAP member values or unique names when filtering data in an OLAP mode. This is a dependency property.
OlapFilterUsingWhereClause Gets or sets whether to use the WHERE or subselect clause in an MDX query, when filtering against filter fields in OLAP mode.
OlapUseNonEmpty Gets or sets whether the NonEmpty function should be used in MDX queries for the current measure. This is a dependency property.
OverridesDefaultStyle Overrides the OverridesDefaultStyle property to hide it. Inherited from DXFrameworkContentElement.
Parent Gets the parent in the logical tree for this element. Inherited from FrameworkContentElement.
PrefilterColumnName Gets the name by which the field is referred to in the Prefilter expression.
PrintCellTemplate Gets or sets a template used to print cells that correspond to the current field. This is a dependency property.
PrintCellTemplateSelector Gets or sets a template selector that chooses a print template for data cells based on custom logic. This is a dependency property.
PrintHeaderTemplate Gets or sets a template used to print the header of the current field. This is a dependency property.
PrintHeaderTemplateSelector Gets or sets a template selector that chooses a print template for field headers based on custom logic. This is a dependency property.
PrintValueTemplate Gets or sets a template used to print values of the current field. This is a dependency property.
PrintValueTemplateSelector Gets or sets a template selector that chooses a print template for field values based on custom logic. This is a dependency property.
Resources Overrides the Resources property to hide it. Inherited from DXFrameworkContentElement.
RunningTotal Gets or sets whether Running totals are calculated for values in the Data Area that correspond to the current column or row field. This is a dependency property.
ShowCustomTotals Gets or sets whether Custom Totals that correspond to the current Column Field or Row Field are visible. This is a dependency property.
ShowGrandTotal Gets or sets whether grand totals that correspond to the current data field are visible. This is a dependency property.
ShowInCustomizationForm Gets or sets whether the field's header is displayed within the customization form when the field is hidden. This is a dependency property.
ShowNewValues Gets or sets whether field values that have appeared in the datasource after the field's filtering was configured should be shown. This is a dependency property.
ShowSummaryTypeName Gets or sets whether the summary type is displayed within the data field's header. This is a dependency property.
ShowTotals Gets or sets whether automatic totals that correspond to the current data field are visible. This is a dependency property.
ShowValues Gets or sets whether data cells that correspond to the current data field are visible. This is a dependency property.
SortByConditions Contains conditions that identify the column or row whose values are sorted.
SortByCustomTotalSummaryType Gets or sets the summary type of custom total values by which the current field values are sorted. This is a dependency property.
SortByField Gets or sets the field whose summary values define the order in which the field's values are arranged. This is a dependency property.
SortByFieldName Gets or sets the PivotGridField.FieldName of the field whose summary values define the order in which the field's values are arranged. This is a dependency property.
SortBySummaryType Gets or sets the summary function type used to calculate the summary values which define the order in which the field's values are arranged. This is a dependency property.
SortMode Gets or sets how the field's data is sorted, when sorting is applied to it. This is a dependency property.
SortOrder Gets or sets the field sort order. This is a dependency property.
Style Gets or sets the style to be used by this element. Inherited from FrameworkContentElement.
SummaryDisplayType Gets or sets how a summary value calculated against the current data field is represented in a cell. This is a dependency property.
SummaryType Gets or sets the type of the summary function which is calculated against the current data field. This is a dependency property.
Tag Gets or sets the data associated with the field.
TemplatedParent Gets a reference to the template parent of this element. This property is not relevant if the element was not created through a template. Inherited from FrameworkContentElement.
ToolTip This member supports the internal infrastructure, and is not intended to be used directly from your code. Inherited from DXFrameworkContentElement.
TopValueCount Gets or sets an absolute or relative number of field values to be displayed for the current column or row field. This is a dependency property.
TopValueShowOthers Gets or sets whether the "Others" item is displayed within the PivotGridControl when the Top N Values feature is enabled. This is a dependency property.
TopValueType Gets or sets how the number of Top Values is determined. This is a dependency property.
TotalCellFormat Gets or sets the string used to format the total cells. This is a dependency property.
TotalsVisibility Gets or sets whether totals are displayed for the current field when it is positioned within the Column Header Area or Row Header Area and if so, whether they are automatic or custom. This is a dependency property.
TotalValueFormat Gets or sets the string used to format the total header. This is a dependency property.
TouchesCaptured Gets all touch devices that are captured to this element. Inherited from ContentElement.
TouchesCapturedWithin Gets all touch devices that are captured to this element or any child elements in its visual tree. Inherited from ContentElement.
TouchesDirectlyOver Gets all touch devices that are over this element. Inherited from ContentElement.
TouchesOver Gets all touch devices that are over this element or any child elements in its visual tree. Inherited from ContentElement.
UnboundExpression Gets or sets an expression used to evaluate values for the current unbound field. This is a dependency property.
UnboundFieldName Gets or sets the name of a column in a summary data source that corresponds to the current unbound field. This is a dependency property.
UnboundType Gets or sets the data type and binding mode of the field. This is a dependency property.
UseNativeFormat Gets or sets whether to use the current field's data format when the Pivot Grid Control is exported in XLS format. This is a dependency property.
ValueFormat Gets or sets a string used to format field values. This is a dependency property.
ValueTemplate Gets or sets a template used to display values of the current field. This is a dependency property.
ValueTemplateSelector Gets or sets an object that chooses a field value template based on custom logic. This is a dependency property.
Visible Gets or sets whether the field is visible. This is a dependency property.
Width Gets or sets the width of columns that correspond to the current field. This is a dependency property.
See Also