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PivotGridField.UnboundFieldName Property

Gets or sets the name of a column in a summary data source that corresponds to the current unbound field. This is a dependency property.

Namespace: DevExpress.Xpf.PivotGrid

Assembly: DevExpress.Xpf.PivotGrid.v14.2.dll


public string UnboundFieldName { get; set; }

#Property Value

Type Description

A string value that specifies the name of a column in a summary data source that corresponds to the current field.


PivotGridControl supports bound and unbound fields. A bound field is connected to a specific datasource field via the PivotGridField.FieldName property, and retrieves data from this field. An unbound field is not connected to a datasource field, and it should be populated with data manually. Bound fields whose values are grouped according to the PivotGridField.GroupInterval, are also considered unbound.

The PivotGridControl.CreateSummaryDataSource method allows you to obtain a table whose columns are represented by fields, while records are represented by pivot grid rows. Use the UnboundFieldName property to specify the name of a column in this table that corresponds to the current unbound field.

See Also