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PivotGridField.UnboundExpression Property

Gets or sets an expression used to evaluate values for the current unbound field. This is a dependency property.

Namespace: DevExpress.Xpf.PivotGrid

Assembly: DevExpress.Xpf.PivotGrid.v14.2.dll


public string UnboundExpression { get; set; }

#Property Value

Type Description

A string that represents an expression used to evaluate values for the current field.


You can create an unbound field by setting the PivotGridField.UnboundType property to a specific data type. The PivotGridField.FieldName property must be set to a unique value, which does not refer to any field in the pivot grid's data source. Unbound fields can be populated manually via the PivotGridControl.CustomUnboundFieldData event, or by specifying an expression via the UnboundExpression property, used to evaluate values for this field. The Expressions section describes the syntax for creating expressions. To refer to a field when specifying an unbound expression in code, use the PivotGridField.ExpressionFieldName property. The PivotGridControl.DataFieldUnboundExpressionMode property allows you to specify whether the expressions are calculated, based on the data source records, or summary values.

If the PivotGridField.AllowUnboundExpressionEditor option is enabled, an end-user can edit a field's expression via the Expression Editor at runtime.

When changing the UnboundExpression property, the PivotGridControl.FieldUnboundExpressionChanged event fires.

To learn more about unbound fields, see Unbound Fields.


The following example shows how to create an unbound field using expressions. An Extended Price field is created, whose values are calculated according to the expression: [Quantity] * [UnitPrice] * (1 - [Discount]).

PivotGridField fieldExtPrice = new PivotGridField("fieldExtPrice", FieldArea.DataArea);
fieldExtPrice.Caption = "Ext Price";
fieldExtPrice.UnboundType = FieldUnboundColumnType.Decimal;
fieldExtPrice.UnboundExpression = "[" + fieldQuantity.ExpressionFieldName + "] * [" +
    fieldUnitPrice.ExpressionFieldName + "] * (1 - [" +
    fieldDiscount.ExpressionFieldName + "])";
See Also