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PivotGridField.AreaIndex Property

Gets or sets the field's index among the other fields displayed within the same area. This is a dependency property.

Namespace: DevExpress.Xpf.PivotGrid

Assembly: DevExpress.Xpf.PivotGrid.v14.2.dll


public int AreaIndex { get; set; }

#Property Value

Type Description

A zero-based integer that specifies the field's index among the other fields displayed within the same area.


A field can be placed within one of four areas: Filter Header Area, Column Header Area, Row Header Area or Data Header Area. The AreaIndex property specifies the field's index among the other fields displayed within the same area.

If the current field is hidden, assigning a positive value to the AreaIndex property makes the field visible. If the field is visible, assigning a negative value to this property will hide the field and will set its AreaIndex property to -1.

Use the PivotGridField.Area property to specify the area in which the field is displayed. The field's position can also be set via the PivotGridField.SetAreaPosition method.

Dragging a field from one area to another automatically changes the AreaIndex property's value, and vice versa. Before the field's location is changed, the DXPivotGrid fires the PivotGridControl.FieldAreaChanging event, allowing you to cancel the action. After the location has been changed, the PivotGridControl.FieldAreaChanged event is fired.

Multiple fields can be combined into a group via the PivotGridControl.Groups property. These fields cannot be separated and are always dragged together. To move a group to a specific area or to a new position within the current area, use the PivotGridField.Area and AreaIndex properties of the first field in the group. Modifying the PivotGridField.Area and AreaIndex properties for the second and subsequent fields in the group is ignored.

See Also