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PivotGridControl Properties
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Represents the PivotGridControl.
Name Description
ActiveFilterInfo For internal use. This is a dependency property.
ActualHeight Gets the rendered height of this element. Inherited from FrameworkElement.
ActualWidth Gets the rendered width of this element. Inherited from FrameworkElement.
AllowCrossGroupVariation Gets or sets whether summary variations and running totals are calculated independently within individual groups, or throughout the Pivot Grid. This is a dependency property.
AllowCustomizationForm Gets or sets whether end-users are allowed to invoke the Customization Form.
AllowDrag Gets or sets whether an end-user is allowed to drag the field headers. This is a dependency property.
AllowDragInCustomizationForm Gets or sets whether end-users are allowed to drag field headers between areas in the Customization Form.
AllowDrop Gets or sets a value indicating whether this element can be used as the target of a drag-and-drop operation. This is a dependency property. Inherited from UIElement.
AllowExpand Gets or sets whether expand buttons are displayed. This is a dependency property.
AllowExpandOnDoubleClick Gets or sets whether field values are expanded/collapsed on a double click. This is a dependency property.
AllowFilter Gets or sets whether filter buttons are displayed within field headers. This is a dependency property.
AllowFilterInFieldList Gets or sets whether filtering can be applied to fields via the Customization Form. This is a dependency property.
AllowHideFields Gets or sets a value that specifies when fields can be hidden by end-users.
AllowMRUFilterList Gets or sets whether end-users are allowed to invoke the MRU Filter List. This is a dependency property.
AllowPrefilter Gets or sets whether end-users are allowed to invoke the Prefilter.
AllowResizing Gets or sets whether end-users are allowed to resize the PivotGridControl's elements. This is a dependency property.
AllowSort Gets or sets whether end-users can change the sort order of fields. This is a dependency property.
AllowSortBySummary Gets or sets whether end-users can sort the row/column field values by other column/row summary values. This is a dependency property.
AllowSortInFieldList Gets or sets whether the sort order of field values can be toggled via the Customization Form. This is a dependency property.
AreAnyTouchesCaptured Gets a value that indicates whether at least one touch is captured to this element. Inherited from UIElement.
AreAnyTouchesCapturedWithin Gets a value that indicates whether at least one touch is captured to this element or to any child elements in its visual tree. Inherited from UIElement.
AreAnyTouchesDirectlyOver Gets a value that indicates whether at least one touch is pressed over this element. Inherited from UIElement.
AreAnyTouchesOver Gets a value that indicates whether at least one touch is pressed over this element or any child elements in its visual tree. Inherited from UIElement.
AutoExpandGroups Gets or sets whether field values are expanded or collapsed by default. This is a dependency property.
Background Gets or sets a brush that describes the background of a control. Inherited from Control.
BestFitArea Gets or sets which interface elements are taken into account when calculating optimal width for columns.
BestFitMaxRowCount Gets or sets the number of rows taken into account when calculating the optimal width required for columns (or rows) to completely display their contents.
BestFitMode Gets or sets how the optimal width required for a column (or row) to completely display its contents is calculated.
BindingGroup Gets or sets the BindingGroup that is used for the element. Inherited from FrameworkElement.
BitmapEffect Gets or sets a bitmap effect that applies directly to the rendered content for this element. This is a dependency property. Inherited from UIElement.
BitmapEffectInput Gets or sets an input source for the bitmap effect that applies directly to the rendered content for this element. This is a dependency property. Inherited from UIElement.
BorderBrush Gets or sets a brush that describes the border background of a control. Inherited from Control.
BorderThickness Gets or sets the border thickness of a control. Inherited from Control.
CacheMode Gets or sets a cached representation of the UIElement. Inherited from UIElement.
CanEnablePrefilter For internal use.
CellBackground Gets or sets the brush used to paint the background of data cells. This is a dependency property.
CellForeground Gets or sets the brush used to paint the foreground of data cells. This is a dependency property.
CellMenuCustomizations Allows you to customize the context menu, invoked when right-clicking cells, by adding new menu items or removing existing items.
CellSelectedBackground Gets or sets the brush used to paint the background of the selected data cell. This is a dependency property.
CellSelectedForeground Gets or sets the brush used to paint the foreground of the selected data cell. This is a dependency property.
CellTotalBackground Gets or sets the brush used to paint the background of total and grand total cells. This is a dependency property.
CellTotalForeground Gets or sets the brush used to paint the foreground of total and grand total cells. This is a dependency property.
CellTotalSelectedBackground Gets or sets the brush used to paint the background of the selected total or grand total cell. This is a dependency property.
CellTotalSelectedForeground Gets or sets the brush used to paint the foreground of the selected total or grand total cell. This is a dependency property.
ChartAutoTranspose Gets or sets whether a bound chart control should be transposed if the number of series exceeds the number of argument values. This is a dependency property.
ChartDataProvideMode Gets or sets what data the pivot grid should pass to a bound chart control. This is a dependency property.
ChartDataProvidePriority Gets or sets whether the pivot grid should pass columns or rows to a bound chart control when it is impossible to find the lowest-level data. This is a dependency property.
ChartDataSource Gets a data source for a chart control.
ChartFieldValuesProvideMode Gets or sets how field values are passed to the chart control. This is a dependency property.
ChartMaxPointCountInSeries Gets or sets the maximum allowed number of points in a series. This is a dependency property.
ChartMaxSeriesCount Gets or sets the maximum allowed number of series in the chart data source. This is a dependency property.
ChartProvideCellValuesAsType Gets or sets the type to which cell values are converted before they are exported to the Chart Control. This is a dependency property.
ChartProvideColumnCustomTotals Gets or sets whether column custom totals should be passed to a chart control. This is a dependency property.
ChartProvideColumnFieldValuesAsType Gets or sets the type to which the column field values are converted before they are exported to the chart control. This is a dependency property.
ChartProvideColumnGrandTotals Gets or sets whether column grand totals are passed to a chart control. This is a dependency property.
ChartProvideColumnTotals Gets or sets whether column totals are passed to a chart control. This is a dependency property.
ChartProvideDataByColumns Gets or sets whether series in a chart control are created based on PivotGrid columns or rows. This is a dependency property.
ChartProvideEmptyCells Gets or sets whether empty cells should be processed by the Chart control. This is a dependency property.
ChartProvideRowCustomTotals Gets or sets whether row custom totals should be displayed in a chart control. This is a dependency property.
ChartProvideRowFieldValuesAsType Gets or sets the type to which the row field values are converted before they are exported to the chart control. This is a dependency property.
ChartProvideRowGrandTotals Gets or sets whether row grand totals are passed to a chart control. This is a dependency property.
ChartProvideRowTotals Gets or sets whether row totals are passed to a chart control. This is a dependency property.
ChartSelectionOnly Gets or sets whether a chart control should visualize data from the selected cells only.
ChartUpdateDelay Gets or sets the delay between changing the cell focus or selection, and updating the bound Chart control. This is a dependency property.
Clip Gets or sets the geometry used to define the outline of the contents of an element. This is a dependency property. Inherited from UIElement.
ClipboardCopyCollapsedValuesMode Gets or sets how to copy collapsed field values to the clipboard. This is a dependency property.
ClipboardCopyMultiSelectionMode Gets or sets how to copy cells to the clipboard when multiple cells are selected. This is a dependency property.
ClipToBounds Gets or sets a value indicating whether to clip the content of this element (or content coming from the child elements of this element) to fit into the size of the containing element. This is a dependency property. Inherited from UIElement.
ColumnCount Gets the number of columns in the PivotGridControl.
ColumnFieldValuesAlignment Gets or sets the vertical alignment of column field values. This is a dependency property.
ColumnTotalsLocation Gets or sets the location of column totals.
CommandBindings Gets a collection of CommandBinding objects associated with this element. A CommandBinding enables command handling for this element, and declares the linkage between a command, its events, and the handlers attached by this element. Inherited from UIElement.
ContextMenu Gets or sets the context menu element that should appear whenever the context menu is requested through user interface (UI) from within this element. Inherited from FrameworkElement.
CopyToClipboardWithFieldValues Gets or sets whether field values are copied to the clipboard when CTRL+C is pressed or the PivotGridControl.CopySelectionToClipboard method is called.
Cursor Gets or sets the cursor that displays when the mouse pointer is over this element. Inherited from FrameworkElement.
DataContext Gets or sets the data context for an element when it participates in data binding. Inherited from FrameworkElement.
DataFieldArea Gets or sets the area in which the data field headers are displayed.
DataFieldAreaIndex Gets or sets the position of the data field headers.
DataFieldCaption Gets or sets the text displayed within the data header.
DataFieldHeight Gets or sets the height of a data field value. This is a dependency property.
DataFieldUnboundExpressionMode Gets or sets whether unbound expressions for data fields are calculated based on the data source records, or summary values. This is a dependency property.
DataFieldWidth Gets or sets the width of a data field value. This is a dependency property.
DataSource Gets or sets the PivotGridControl data source.
DefaultStyleKey protected Gets or sets the key to use to reference the style for this control, when theme styles are used or defined. Inherited from FrameworkElement.
DeferredUpdates Gets or sets whether dragging fields within the Customization Form (when it's painted using the Excel2007 style) immediately updates the layout of fields in the PivotGrid control. This option controls the state of the 'Defer Layout Update' check box in the Customization Form, when the PivotGridControl.FieldListStyle option is set to Excel2007.
DependencyObjectType Gets the DependencyObjectType that wraps the CLR type of this instance. Inherited from DependencyObject.
DesiredSize Gets the size that this element computed during the measure pass of the layout process. Inherited from UIElement.
Dispatcher Gets the Dispatcher this DispatcherObject is associated with. Inherited from DispatcherObject.
DrawFocusedCellRect Gets or sets whether a focus rectangle is painted around the currently focused cell.
DrillDownMaxRowCount Gets or sets the maximum number of rows returned when calling the PivotGridControl.CreateDrillDownDataSource method.
Effect Gets or sets the bitmap effect to apply to the UIElement. This is a dependency property. Inherited from UIElement.
ExcelFieldListState Gets or sets the state of an Excel-style Customization Form. This is a dependency property.
ExcelFieldListTemplate Gets or sets the template used to display the Customization Form in the Excel style.
ExpressionEditorContainer For internal use.
FieldCellKpiTemplate Gets or sets a template used to display data cells that contain KPI graphics. This is a dependency property.
FieldCellKpiTemplateSelector Gets or sets an object that chooses a template for cells that contain KPI graphics. This is a dependency property.
FieldCellTemplate Gets or sets a template used to display data cells. This is a dependency property.
FieldCellTemplateSelector Gets or sets an object that chooses a cell template based on custom logic. This is a dependency property.
FieldHeaderContentStyle Gets or sets a style applied to the field headers. This is a dependency property.
FieldHeaderDragIndicatorTemplate Gets or sets a template used to display the drag indicator.
FieldHeaderListTemplate Gets or sets a template used to display field headers in the Customization Form when they are arranged in a list. This is a dependency property.
FieldHeaderListTemplateSelector Gets or sets an object that chooses a template, used to display field headers in the Customization Form when they are arranged in a list. This is a dependency property.
FieldHeaderTemplate Gets or sets a template used to display field headers. This is a dependency property.
FieldHeaderTemplateSelector Gets or sets an object that chooses a field header template based on custom logic. This is a dependency property.
FieldHeaderTreeViewTemplate Gets or sets a template used to display field headers in the Customization Form when they are arranged in a tree. This is a dependency property.
FieldHeaderTreeViewTemplateSelector Gets or sets an object that chooses a template, used to display field headers in the Customization Form when they are arranged in a tree. This is a dependency property.
FieldHeight Gets or sets the row height for the current pivot grid.
FieldListAllowedLayouts Gets or sets which layouts can be applied to the Customization Form when it is painted in Excel2007 style. This is a dependency property.
FieldListFactory Represents a custom Customization Form. This is a dependency property.
FieldListIncludeVisibleFields Gets or sets whether to show visible fields in the Customization Form. This is a dependency property.
FieldListLayout Gets or sets the customization form's layout when it is painted in Excel2007 style. This is a dependency property.
FieldListSplitterX Gets or sets the position of the vertical splitter displayed in the Customization Form. This is a dependency property.
FieldListSplitterY Gets or sets the position of the horizontal splitter displayed in the Customization Form. This is a dependency property.
FieldListState Gets or sets the state of a simple Customization Form. This is a dependency property.
FieldListStyle Gets or sets a style that defines the visual appearance of the Customization Form. This is a dependency property.
FieldListTemplate Gets or sets the template used to display the Customization Form.
Fields Provides access to a pivot grid's field collection.
FieldValueMenuCustomizations Allows you to customize the context menu, invoked when right-clicking the field values, by adding new menu items or removing existing items.
FieldValueTemplate Gets or sets a template used to display field values. This is a dependency property.
FieldValueTemplateSelector Gets or sets an object that chooses a field value template based on custom logic. This is a dependency property.
FieldWidth Gets or sets the column width for the current pivot grid.
FilterByVisibleFieldsOnly Gets or sets whether to take into account filter conditions of visible filter fields only.
FixedRowHeaders Gets or sets whether to anchor row headers to the control edge when scrolling the pivot grid horizontally. This is a dependency property.
FlowDirection Gets or sets the direction that text and other user interface (UI) elements flow within any parent element that controls their layout. Inherited from FrameworkElement.
Focusable Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the element can receive focus. This is a dependency property. Inherited from UIElement.
FocusedCell Gets or sets the coordinates of the focused cell.
FocusedCellBorderTemplate Gets or sets a template used to display border of the focused cell.
FocusVisualStyle Gets or sets a property that enables customization of appearance, effects, or other style characteristics that will apply to this element when it captures keyboard focus. Inherited from FrameworkElement.
FontFamily Gets or sets the font family of the control. Inherited from Control.
FontSize Gets or sets the font size. Inherited from Control.
FontStretch Gets or sets the degree to which a font is condensed or expanded on the screen. Inherited from Control.
FontStyle Gets or sets the font style. Inherited from Control.
FontWeight Gets or sets the weight or thickness of the specified font. Inherited from Control.
ForceCursor Gets or sets a value that indicates whether this FrameworkElement should force the user interface (UI) to render the cursor as declared by the Cursor property. Inherited from FrameworkElement.
Foreground Gets or sets a brush that describes the foreground color. Inherited from Control.
GridMenu Gets the context menu currently being displayed within the PivotGridControl.
GroupDataCaseSensitive Gets or sets whether data is grouped case-sensitively.
GroupFieldsInFieldList Gets or sets whether hidden fields are grouped within the Customization Form. This is a dependency property.
GroupFilterMode Gets or sets the filtering mode of grouped fields.
Groups Gets the collection of field groups.
HasAnimatedProperties Gets a value indicating whether this element has any animated properties. Inherited from UIElement.
HasEffectiveKeyboardFocus protected Gets a value that indicates whether the UIElement has focus. Inherited from UIElement.
HeaderAreaMenuCustomizations Allows you to customize the context menu, invoked when right-clicking the header area, by adding new menu items or removing existing items.
HeaderMenuCustomizations Allows you to customize the context menu, invoked when right-clicking the field headers, by adding new menu items or removing existing items.
Height Gets or sets the suggested height of the element. Inherited from FrameworkElement.
HiddenFields Gets the collection of hidden fields.
HorizontalAlignment Gets or sets the horizontal alignment characteristics applied to this element when it is composed within a parent element, such as a panel or items control. Inherited from FrameworkElement.
HorizontalContentAlignment Gets or sets the horizontal alignment of the control's content. Inherited from Control.
InheritanceBehavior protected Gets or sets the scope limits for property value inheritance, resource key lookup, and RelativeSource FindAncestor lookup. Inherited from FrameworkElement.
InputBindings Gets the collection of input bindings associated with this element. Inherited from UIElement.
InputScope Gets or sets the context for input used by this FrameworkElement. Inherited from FrameworkElement.
IsArrangeValid Gets a value indicating whether the computed size and position of child elements in this element's layout are valid. Inherited from UIElement.
IsAsyncInProgress Gets whether an asynchronous operation is in progress.
IsCellMenuEnabled Gets or sets whether a context menu is invoked when an end-user right-clicks a cell. This is a dependency property.
IsEnabled Gets or sets a value indicating whether this element is enabled in the user interface (UI). This is a dependency property. Inherited from UIElement.
IsEnabledCore protected Gets a value that becomes the return value of IsEnabled in derived classes. Inherited from UIElement.
IsFieldListMenuEnabled Gets or sets whether the Customization Form Layout menu is available for end-users.
IsFieldListVisible Gets or sets whether the Customization Form is visible. This is a dependency property.
IsFieldValueMenuEnabled Gets or sets whether the field value context menu is shown when an end-user right-clicks a field value. This is a dependency property.
IsFilterPopupMenuEnabled Gets or sets whether right-clicking a filter drop-down window invokes a context menu that allows you to invert the current check states of items. This is a dependency property.
IsFilterPopupWaitIndicatorVisible For internal use.
IsFocused Gets a value that determines whether this element has logical focus. This is a dependency property. Inherited from UIElement.
IsHeaderAreaMenuEnabled Gets or sets whether the header area context menu is shown when an end-user right-clicks a header area. This is a dependency property.
IsHeaderMenuEnabled Gets or sets whether the field header context menu is shown when an end-user right-clicks a field's header. This is a dependency property.
IsHitTestVisible Gets or sets a value that declares whether this element can possibly be returned as a hit test result from some portion of its rendered content. This is a dependency property. Inherited from UIElement.
IsInitialized Gets a value that indicates whether this element has been initialized, either during processing by a XAML processor, or by explicitly having its EndInit() method called. Inherited from FrameworkElement.
IsInputMethodEnabled Gets a value indicating whether an input method system, such as an Input Method Editor (IME), is enabled for processing the input to this element. Inherited from UIElement.
IsKeyboardFocused Gets a value indicating whether this element has keyboard focus. This is a dependency property. Inherited from UIElement.
IsKeyboardFocusWithin Gets a value indicating whether keyboard focus is anywhere within the element or its visual tree child elements. This is a dependency property. Inherited from UIElement.
IsLoaded Gets a value that indicates whether this element has been loaded for presentation. Inherited from FrameworkElement.
IsMainWaitIndicatorVisible For internal use.
IsManipulationEnabled Gets or sets a value that indicates whether manipulation events are enabled on this UIElement. Inherited from UIElement.
IsMeasureValid Gets a value indicating whether the current size returned by layout measure is valid. Inherited from UIElement.
IsMouseCaptured Gets a value indicating whether the mouse is captured to this element. This is a dependency property. Inherited from UIElement.
IsMouseCaptureWithin Gets a value that determines whether mouse capture is held by this element or by child elements in its visual tree. This is a dependency property. Inherited from UIElement.
IsMouseDirectlyOver Gets a value that indicates whether the position of the mouse pointer corresponds to hit test results, which take element compositing into account. This is a dependency property. Inherited from UIElement.
IsMouseOver Gets a value indicating whether the mouse pointer is located over this element (including child elements in the visual tree). This is a dependency property. Inherited from UIElement.
IsPrefilterEnabled Gets or sets whether the filter specified by the Prefilter, is enabled. This is a dependency property.
IsPrefilterVisible Gets whether the Prefilter is invoked. This is a dependency property.
IsSealed Gets a value that indicates whether this instance is currently sealed (read-only). Inherited from DependencyObject.
IsStylusCaptured Gets a value indicating whether the stylus is captured by this element. This is a dependency property. Inherited from UIElement.
IsStylusCaptureWithin Gets a value that determines whether stylus capture is held by this element, or an element within the element bounds and its visual tree. This is a dependency property. Inherited from UIElement.
IsStylusDirectlyOver Gets a value that indicates whether the stylus position corresponds to hit test results, which take element compositing into account. This is a dependency property. Inherited from UIElement.
IsStylusOver Gets a value indicating whether the stylus cursor is located over this element (including visual child elements). This is a dependency property. Inherited from UIElement.
IsTabStop Gets or sets a value that indicates whether a control is included in tab navigation. Inherited from Control.
IsVisible Gets a value indicating whether this element is visible in the user interface (UI). This is a dependency property. Inherited from UIElement.
Language Gets or sets localization/globalization language information that applies to an element. Inherited from FrameworkElement.
LayoutTransform Gets or sets a graphics transformation that should apply to this element when layout is performed. Inherited from FrameworkElement.
LeftTopCoord Gets the column and row indexes of the data cell displayed in the top left corner.
LoadingPanelDelay Gets or sets the delay before displaying the loading panel. This is a dependency property.
Margin Gets or sets the outer margin of an element. Inherited from FrameworkElement.
MaxHeight Gets or sets the maximum height constraint of the element. Inherited from FrameworkElement.
MaxWidth Gets or sets the maximum width constraint of the element. Inherited from FrameworkElement.
MergeColumnFieldValues Gets or sets whether to merge the neighboring column headers if they contain the same field value. This is a dependency property.
MergeRowFieldValues Gets or sets whether to merge the neighboring row headers if they contain the same field value. This is a dependency property.
MinHeight Gets or sets the minimum height constraint of the element. Inherited from FrameworkElement.
MinWidth Gets or sets the minimum width constraint of the element. Inherited from FrameworkElement.
MRUFilterListCount Gets or sets the number of filter criteria stored into the MRU Filter List. This is a dependency property.
MRUFilters Gets the MRU Filter List.
MultiSelection Gets the selected cells.
Name Gets or sets the identifying name of the element. The name provides a reference so that code-behind, such as event handler code, can refer to a markup element after it is constructed during processing by a XAML processor. Inherited from FrameworkElement.
OlapConnectionString Gets or sets a connection string to a cube in an MS Analysis Services database.
OlapDefaultMemberFields Gets or sets for which filter fields the pivot grid processes only data related to their default members. This is a dependency property.
OlapFilterByUniqueName Gets or sets whether PivotGridControl should take into account OLAP member values or unique names when filtering data in the OLAP mode. This is a dependency property.
Opacity Gets or sets the opacity factor applied to the entire UIElement when it is rendered in the user interface (UI). This is a dependency property. Inherited from UIElement.
OpacityMask Gets or sets an opacity mask, as a Brush implementation that is applied to any alpha-channel masking for the rendered content of this element. This is a dependency property. Inherited from UIElement.
OverridesDefaultStyle Gets or sets a value that indicates whether this element incorporates style properties from theme styles. Inherited from FrameworkElement.
Padding Gets or sets the padding inside a control. Inherited from Control.
Parent Gets the logical parent element of this element. Inherited from FrameworkElement.
PersistId Gets a value that uniquely identifies this element. Inherited from UIElement.
PrefilterContainer For internal use.
PrefilterControl Gets the Prefilter.
PrefilterCriteria Gets or sets the pivot grid's prefilter criteria. This is a dependency property.
PrefilterPanelText Gets the filter expression displayed within the prefilter panel. This is a dependency property.
PrefilterString Gets or sets the filter expression specified by the Prefilter.
PrintCellBackground Gets or sets the brush used to paint the background of data cells when the pivot grid is printed. This is a dependency property.
PrintCellForeground Gets or sets the brush used to paint the foreground of data cells when the pivot grid is printed. This is a dependency property.
PrintCellTotalBackground Gets or sets the brush used to paint the background of total and grand total cells when the pivot grid is printed. This is a dependency property.
PrintCellTotalForeground Gets or sets the brush used to paint the foreground of total and grand total cells when the pivot grid is printed. This is a dependency property.
PrintColumnHeaders Gets or sets whether to print headers of the column fields. This is a dependency property.
PrintDataHeaders Gets or sets whether to print headers of the data fields. This is a dependency property.
PrintFieldCellKpiTemplate Gets or sets a template used to print data cells that contain KPI graphics. This is a dependency property.
PrintFieldCellKpiTemplateSelector Gets or sets a template selector that chooses a print template for data cells that contain KPI graphics. This is a dependency property.
PrintFieldCellTemplate Gets or sets a template used to print data cells. This is a dependency property.
PrintFieldCellTemplateSelector Gets or sets a template selector that chooses a print template for data cells based on custom logic. This is a dependency property.
PrintFieldHeaderTemplate Gets or sets a template used to print field headers. This is a dependency property.
PrintFieldHeaderTemplateSelector Gets or sets a template selector that chooses a print template for field headers based on custom logic. This is a dependency property.
PrintFieldValueTemplate Gets or sets a template used to print field values. This is a dependency property.
PrintFieldValueTemplateSelector Gets or sets a template selector that chooses a print template for field values based on custom logic. This is a dependency property.
PrintFilterHeaders Gets or sets whether to print headers of the filter fields. This is a dependency property.
PrintHeadersOnEveryPage Gets or sets whether to print field headers on every page. This is a dependency property.
PrintHorzLines Gets or sets whether the horizontal grid lines are printed. This is a dependency property.
PrintInsertPageBreaks Gets or sets whether to insert page breaks at the end of every page. This is a dependency property.
PrintLayoutMode Gets or sets the layout mode of the print document. This is a dependency property.
PrintRowHeaders Gets or sets whether to print headers of the row fields. This is a dependency property.
PrintUnusedFilterFields Gets or sets whether to print headers of the unused filter fields. This is a dependency property.
PrintValueBackground Gets or sets the brush used to paint the background of field value cells when the pivot grid is printed. This is a dependency property.
PrintValueForeground Gets or sets the brush used to paint the foreground of field value cells when the pivot grid is printed. This is a dependency property.
PrintValueTotalBackground Gets or sets the brush used to paint the background of total and grand total headers when the pivot grid is printed. This is a dependency property.
PrintValueTotalForeground Gets or sets the brush used to paint the foreground of total and grand total headers when the pivot grid is printed. This is a dependency property.
PrintVertLines Gets or sets whether the vertical grid lines are printed. This is a dependency property.
RenderSize Gets (or sets) the final render size of this element. Inherited from UIElement.
RenderTransform Gets or sets transform information that affects the rendering position of this element. This is a dependency property. Inherited from UIElement.
RenderTransformOrigin Gets or sets the center point of any possible render transform declared by RenderTransform, relative to the bounds of the element. This is a dependency property. Inherited from UIElement.
ResizingIndicatorTemplate Gets or sets a template used to display the resizing indicator.
Resources Gets or sets the locally-defined resource dictionary. Inherited from FrameworkElement.
RowCount Gets the number of rows in the PivotGridControl.
RowFieldValuesAlignment Gets or sets the vertical alignment of row field values. This is a dependency property.
RowTotalsHeightFactor Gets or sets the factor used to define how much higher the total rows are, compared to other rows. This is a dependency property.
RowTotalsLocation Gets or sets the location of row totals. This is a dependency property.
RowTreeHeight Gets or sets the height of a row when row field values are arranged in a tree. This is a dependency property.
RowTreeMinHeight Gets or sets the minimum allowed height of a row when row field values are arranged in a tree. This is a dependency property.
RowTreeMinWidth Gets or sets the minimum allowed width of the innermost row field values when they are arranged into a tree. This is a dependency property.
RowTreeOffset Gets or sets the tree offset. This is a dependency property.
RowTreeWidth Gets or sets the width of the innermost row field values when they are arranged into a tree. This is a dependency property.
ScrollViewerTemplate For internal use.
Selection Gets or sets the coordinates of the selected cells.
SelectMode Gets or sets the selection mode.
ShowColumnGrandTotalHeader Gets or sets whether the Grand Total column header is visible when there are two or more data fields. This is a dependency property.
ShowColumnGrandTotals Gets or sets whether Row Grand Totals are displayed.
ShowColumnHeaders Gets or sets whether column headers are displayed.
ShowColumnTotals Gets or sets whether to display Column Totals.
ShowCustomTotalsForSingleValues Gets or sets whether Custom Totals are displayed for the field values which contain a single nesting field value.
ShowDataHeaders Gets or sets whether data headers are displayed.
ShowFilterHeaders Gets or sets whether to display the Filter Header Area.
ShowGrandTotalsForSingleValues Gets or sets whether Grand Totals are displayed when the control lists a single value of an outer column field or row field along its left or top edge.
ShowOnlyAvailableFilterItems Gets or sets whether filter items that cannot be displayed because of filtering applied to other fields should be hidden. This is a dependency property.
ShowPrefilterPanel Gets whether the Prefilter Panel is displayed within the PivotGridControl. This is a dependency property.
ShowPrefilterPanelMode Gets or sets when the Prefilter Panel is displayed within the PivotGridControl. This is a dependency property.
ShowRowGrandTotalHeader Gets or sets whether the Grand Total row header is visible when there are two or more data fields. This is a dependency property.
ShowRowGrandTotals Gets or sets whether Row Grand Totals are displayed.
ShowRowHeaders Gets or sets whether row headers are displayed.
ShowRowTotals Gets or sets whether Row Totals are displayed.
ShowTotalsForSingleValues Gets or sets whether automatic totals are displayed for the field values which contain a single nesting field value.
SnapsToDevicePixels Gets or sets a value that determines whether rendering for this element should use device-specific pixel settings during rendering. This is a dependency property. Inherited from UIElement.
SortBySummaryDefaultOrder Gets or sets the sort order applied to a field when sorting by summaries is enabled for it.
Style Gets or sets the style used by this element when it is rendered. Inherited from FrameworkElement.
StylusPlugIns protected Gets a collection of all stylus plug-in (customization) objects associated with this element. Inherited from UIElement.
SummaryDataSourceFieldNaming Gets or sets the rule for naming columns that correspond to data fields, when creating a data source via the CreateSummaryDataSource methods.
TabIndex Gets or sets a value that determines the order in which elements receive focus when the user navigates through controls by using the TAB key. Inherited from Control.
Tag Gets or sets an arbitrary object value that can be used to store custom information about this element. Inherited from FrameworkElement.
Template Gets or sets a control template. Inherited from Control.
TemplatedParent Gets a reference to the template parent of this element. This property is not relevant if the element was not created through a template. Inherited from FrameworkElement.
ToolTip Gets or sets the tool-tip object that is displayed for this element in the user interface (UI). Inherited from FrameworkElement.
TouchesCaptured Gets all touch devices that are captured to this element. Inherited from UIElement.
TouchesCapturedWithin Gets all touch devices that are captured to this element or any child elements in its visual tree. Inherited from UIElement.
TouchesDirectlyOver Gets all touch devices that are over this element. Inherited from UIElement.
TouchesOver Gets all touch devices that are over this element or any child elements in its visual tree. Inherited from UIElement.
Triggers Gets the collection of triggers established directly on this element, or in child elements. Inherited from FrameworkElement.
Uid Gets or sets the unique identifier (for localization) for this element. This is a dependency property. Inherited from UIElement.
UseAsyncMode Gets or sets whether data-aware operations caused by end-user actions are performed asynchronously. This is a dependency property.
UseLayoutRounding Gets or sets a value that indicates whether layout rounding should be applied to this element's size and position during layout. Inherited from FrameworkElement.
UserAction Gets an end-user action on the PivotGridControl.
ValueBackground Gets or sets the brush used to paint the background of field value cells. This is a dependency property.
ValueForeground Gets or sets the brush used to paint the foreground of field value cells. This is a dependency property.
ValueSelectedBackground Gets or sets the brush used to paint the background of the selected field value cell. This is a dependency property.
ValueSelectedForeground Gets or sets the brush used to paint the foreground of the selected field value cell. This is a dependency property.
ValueTotalBackground Gets or sets the brush used to paint the background of total and grand total headers. This is a dependency property.
ValueTotalForeground Gets or sets the brush used to paint the foreground of total and grand total headers. This is a dependency property.
ValueTotalSelectedBackground Gets or sets the brush used to paint the background of the selected total or grand total header. This is a dependency property.
ValueTotalSelectedForeground Gets or sets the brush used to paint the foreground of the selected total or grand total header. This is a dependency property.
VerticalAlignment Gets or sets the vertical alignment characteristics applied to this element when it is composed within a parent element such as a panel or items control. Inherited from FrameworkElement.
VerticalContentAlignment Gets or sets the vertical alignment of the control's content. Inherited from Control.
Visibility Gets or sets the user interface (UI) visibility of this element. This is a dependency property. Inherited from UIElement.
VisualBitmapEffect protected Gets or sets the BitmapEffect value for the Visual. Inherited from Visual.
VisualBitmapEffectInput protected Gets or sets the BitmapEffectInput value for the Visual. Inherited from Visual.
VisualBitmapScalingMode protected Gets or sets the BitmapScalingMode for the Visual. Inherited from Visual.
VisualCacheMode protected Gets or sets a cached representation of the Visual. Inherited from Visual.
VisualChildrenCount protected Gets the number of visual child elements within this element. Inherited from FrameworkElement.
VisualClearTypeHint protected Gets or sets the ClearTypeHint that determines how ClearType is rendered in the Visual. Inherited from Visual.
VisualClip protected Gets or sets the clip region of the Visual as a Geometry value. Inherited from Visual.
VisualEdgeMode protected Gets or sets the edge mode of the Visual as an EdgeMode value. Inherited from Visual.
VisualEffect protected Gets or sets the bitmap effect to apply to the Visual. Inherited from Visual.
VisualOffset protected Gets or sets the offset value of the visual object. Inherited from Visual.
VisualOpacity protected Gets or sets the opacity of the Visual. Inherited from Visual.
VisualOpacityMask protected Gets or sets the Brush value that represents the opacity mask of the Visual. Inherited from Visual.
VisualParent protected Gets the visual tree parent of the visual object. Inherited from Visual.
VisualScrollableAreaClip protected Gets or sets a clipped scrollable area for the Visual. Inherited from Visual.
VisualTextHintingMode protected Gets or sets the TextHintingMode of the Visual. Inherited from Visual.
VisualTextRenderingMode protected Gets or sets the TextRenderingMode of the Visual. Inherited from Visual.
VisualTransform protected Gets or sets the Transform value for the Visual. Inherited from Visual.
VisualXSnappingGuidelines protected Gets or sets the x-coordinate (vertical) guideline collection. Inherited from Visual.
VisualYSnappingGuidelines protected Gets or sets the y-coordinate (horizontal) guideline collection. Inherited from Visual.
Width Gets or sets the width of the element. Inherited from FrameworkElement.
See Also