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PivotGridControl.SummaryDataSourceFieldNaming Property

Gets or sets the rule for naming columns that correspond to data fields, when creating a data source via the CreateSummaryDataSource methods.

Namespace: DevExpress.Xpf.PivotGrid

Assembly: DevExpress.Xpf.PivotGrid.v14.2.dll


public SummaryDataSourceFieldNaming SummaryDataSourceFieldNaming { get; set; }

#Property Value

Type Description

A SummaryDataSourceFieldNaming value that specifies the column naming convention.


The PivotGridControl.CreateSummaryDataSource method returns a summary data table which is a two-dimensional representation of data displayed in the PivotGridControl. This summary data table can be used as a data source for regular grid controls, such as the DXGrid.

The columns in a summary data source, which correspond to data fields, are named according to the SummaryDataSourceFieldNaming property. If this property is set to SummaryDataSourceFieldNaming.FieldName, the columns are named using values of the data fields' PivotGridField.FieldName properties.

If there are multiple data fields bound to the same field(s), the corresponding columns in a summary data source will have identical names. For the columns to have different names, set the SummaryDataSourceFieldNaming property to SummaryDataSourceFieldNaming.Name. In this instance, these columns will be named according to the data fields' PivotGridField.Name property.

The captions of columns in a summary data source are specified by the PivotGridField.Caption properties of fields.

See Also