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PivotGridControl.SetOlapConnectionStringAsync(String, AsyncCompletedHandler) Method

Sets a connection string to a cube in an MS Analysis Services database, and loads data from the cube asynchronously. Allows you to specify custom actions to be performed after this operation is completed.

Namespace: DevExpress.Xpf.PivotGrid

Assembly: DevExpress.Xpf.PivotGrid.v14.2.dll


public void SetOlapConnectionStringAsync(
    string olapConnectionString,
    AsyncCompletedHandler asyncCompleted


Name Type Description
olapConnectionString String

A String that specifies the connection string to an OLAP cube.

asyncCompleted AsyncCompletedHandler

An AsyncCompletedHandler delegate referencing a method that should be executed after the operation is completed.


The SetOlapConnectionStringAsync method is asynchronous. It starts executing the related operation in a background thread, and immediately returns control. The primary UI thread is not blocked, allowing the application to continue responding to end-user actions. For more information about the asynchronous mode, see Asynchronous Mode.

To specify a connection string in XAML, use the PivotGridControl.OlapConnectionString property.

A sample connection string is shown below:

Data Source=;Initial Catalog=Adventure Works DW Standard Edition;Cube Name=Adventure Works;Query Timeout=100;

The connection string has the following parameters:

  • Data Source - the path to the data pump.
  • Initial Catalog - a data catalog that contains cubes.
  • Cube Name - the name of a cube that provides OLAP data.
  • Query Timeout (optional) - the number of seconds to wait until the query to SSAS is completed. If this parameter is set to 0, each query can last for an indefinite time.
See Also