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PivotGridControl.RowTotalsLocation Property

Gets or sets the location of row totals. This is a dependency property.

Namespace: DevExpress.Xpf.PivotGrid

Assembly: DevExpress.Xpf.PivotGrid.v14.2.dll


public FieldRowTotalsLocation RowTotalsLocation { get; set; }

#Property Value

Type Description

A FieldRowTotalsLocation enumeration value that specifies the location of row totals.


Note that if the RowTotalsLocation property is set to FieldRowTotalsLocation.Tree, the PivotGridControl.ShowRowTotals and PivotGridControl.ShowTotalsForSingleValues properties can't be set to False, and must remain True.


The row fields' PivotGridField.ShowTotals and PivotGridField.TotalsVisibility properties are ignored when the RowTotalsLocation property is set to FieldRowTotalsLocation.Tree.

See Also