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PivotGridCommands Properties

Provides access to pivot grid commands.
Name Description
ChangeFieldSortOrder static Toggles the specified field's sort order.
ChangeFieldValueExpanded static Toggles the specified field value's expanded state.
ClearSorting static Disables sorting in OLAP mode.
CollapseField static Collapses all the rows/columns which correspond to the specified column field or row field.
ExpandField static Expands all the rows/columns which correspond to the specified column field or row field.
HideField static Hides the specified field.
HideFieldList static Hides the Customization Form.
HidePrefilter static Hides the Prefilter.
ReloadData static Reloads data from the control's data source and recalculates summaries.
ResetPrefilter static Resets the Prefilter's settings to their default values.
ShowFieldList static Shows the Customization Form.
ShowPrefilter static Shows the Prefilter.
ShowPrintPreview static
ShowPrintPreviewDialog static
ShowUnboundExpressionEditor static Shows the Expression Editor.
SortAscending static In OLAP mode, sorts values of the specified field in ascending order.
SortDescending static In OLAP mode, sorts values of the specified field in descending order.
See Also