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PivotCustomFieldSortEventArgs.Result Property

Gets or sets the result of a custom comparison.

Namespace: DevExpress.Xpf.PivotGrid

Assembly: DevExpress.Xpf.PivotGrid.v14.2.dll


public int Result { get; set; }

#Property Value

Type Description

An integer value specifying the custom comparison's result.


When handling the PivotGridControl.CustomFieldSort event the result of the custom comparison operation must be set as follows:

  • Set Result to -1 if the first row should be positioned above the second row when data is sorted in ascending order. When data is sorted in descending order the first row will be positioned below the second row.
  • Set Result to 1 if the first row should be positioned below the second row when data is sorted in ascending order. When data is sorted in descending order the first row will be positioned above the second row.
  • Set Result to 0 to indicate that the rows are equal. In this instance, the rows will be arranged according to their indexes in the data source.



The PivotCustomFieldSortEventArgs.Handled property should be set to true to indicate that the current comparison operation has been handled and that the default processing isn't required. If this parameter is left set to false the default comparison mechanism will be invoked after the PivotGridControl.CustomFieldSort event handler has been called and this will override the custom result.

See Also