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PivotCustomFieldSortEventArgs.ListSourceRowIndex2 Property

Gets the index in the data source of the second of the two rows being compared.

Namespace: DevExpress.Xpf.PivotGrid

Assembly: DevExpress.Xpf.PivotGrid.v14.2.dll


public int ListSourceRowIndex2 { get; }

#Property Value

Type Description

An integer value representing the index of the second row in the data source.


The PivotGridControl.CustomFieldSort event fires in two cases:

  • to compare raw rows in the underlying data source. In this instance, the ListSourceRowIndex1 and ListSourceRowIndex2 parameters are set to valid values.
  • to compare unique filter values in the Filter Dropdown. In this instance, the ListSourceRowIndex1 and ListSourceRowIndex2 parameters are set to -1.
See Also