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PivotCustomChartDataSourceDataEventArgs.ItemDataMember Property

Gets the type of a chart data member that will represent the current pivot grid item.

Namespace: DevExpress.Xpf.PivotGrid

Assembly: DevExpress.Xpf.PivotGrid.v14.2.dll


public PivotChartItemDataMember ItemDataMember { get; }

#Property Value

Type Description

A PivotChartItemDataMember enumeration member that specifies the type of a chart data member that will represent the current pivot grid item.


Use the ItemDataMember property to obtain whether the current pivot grid item will be represented by a series, a series point's value, or a series point's argument.

Data cell values are always represented by series points' values in the chart. To specify whether row field values are represented by series point's arguments, and column field values are represented by series, or vice versa, use the PivotGridControl.ChartProvideDataByColumns property.

Use the PivotCustomChartDataSourceDataEventArgs.ItemType and PivotCustomChartDataSourceDataEventArgs.Value properties, to obtain the type of the current pivot grid item, and its value, respectively.

See Also