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PivotCellValueEventArgs Methods
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Provides data for the PivotGridControl.CustomCellValue event.
Name Description
CreateDrillDownDataSource() Returns a list of records used to calculate a summary value for the cell currently being processed. Inherited from PivotCellBaseEventArgs.
CreateOlapDrillDownDataSource(List<String>) In OLAP mode, returns a list of records used to calculate a summary value for the current cell. Allows you to specify the columns to be returned. Inherited from PivotCellBaseEventArgs.
CreateOlapDrillDownDataSource(Int32, List<String>) In OLAP mode, returns a list of records used to calculate a summary value for the current cell. Allows you to specify the columns and limit the number of records to be returned. Inherited from PivotCellBaseEventArgs.
CreateServerModeDrillDownDataSource(List<String>) Inherited from PivotCellBaseEventArgs.
CreateServerModeDrillDownDataSource(Int32, List<String>) Inherited from PivotCellBaseEventArgs.
CreateSummaryDataSource() Returns a summary data source. Inherited from PivotCellBaseEventArgs.
Equals(Object) Determines whether the specified object is equal to the current object. Inherited from Object.
Equals(Object, Object) static Determines whether the specified object instances are considered equal. Inherited from Object.
GetCellValue(PivotGridField) Returns a cell value calculated for the current column and row field values, against the specified data field. Inherited from PivotCellBaseEventArgs.
GetCellValue(Int32, Int32) Returns a cell value by the column and row indexes. Inherited from PivotCellBaseEventArgs.
GetCellValue(Object[], Object[], PivotGridField) Returns a cell value calculated for the specified column and row field values, against the specified data field. Inherited from PivotCellBaseEventArgs.
GetColumnFields() Returns an array of column fields which correspond to the processed cell. Inherited from PivotCellBaseEventArgs.
GetColumnGrandTotal(PivotGridField) Returns a Column Grand Total value calculated for the current row field values, against the specified data field. Inherited from PivotCellBaseEventArgs.
GetColumnGrandTotal(Object[], PivotGridField) Returns a Column Grand Total value calculated for the specified row field values, against the specified data field. Inherited from PivotCellBaseEventArgs.
GetFieldValue(PivotGridField) Returns the value of the specified column or row field which identifies the column/row in which the processed cell resides. Inherited from PivotCellBaseEventArgs.
GetFieldValue(PivotGridField, Int32) Returns the specified column or row field's value for the cell, addressed by its zero-based index in the Data Area. Inherited from PivotCellBaseEventArgs.
GetGrandTotal(PivotGridField) Gets the Grand Total for the specified field. Inherited from PivotCellBaseEventArgs.
GetHashCode() Serves as the default hash function. Inherited from Object.
GetNextColumnCellValue(PivotGridField) Returns the value of the cell in the same row but in the next column. Inherited from PivotCellBaseEventArgs.
GetNextRowCellValue(PivotGridField) Returns the value of the cell in the next row. Inherited from PivotCellBaseEventArgs.
GetPrevColumnCellValue(PivotGridField) Returns the value of the cell in the same row, but in the previous column. Inherited from PivotCellBaseEventArgs.
GetPrevRowCellValue(PivotGridField) Returns the value of the cell in the previous row. Inherited from PivotCellBaseEventArgs.
GetRowFields() Returns an array of row fields that correspond to the processed cell. Inherited from PivotCellBaseEventArgs.
GetRowGrandTotal(PivotGridField) Returns a Row Grand Total value calculated for the current column field values, against the specified data field. Inherited from PivotCellBaseEventArgs.
GetRowGrandTotal(Object[], PivotGridField) Returns a Row Grand Total value calculated for the specified column field values, against the specified data field. Inherited from PivotCellBaseEventArgs.
GetType() Gets the Type of the current instance. Inherited from Object.
InvokeEventHandler(Delegate, Object) protected When overridden in a derived class, provides a way to invoke event handlers in a type-specific way, which can increase efficiency over the base implementation. Inherited from RoutedEventArgs.
IsFieldValueExpanded(PivotGridField) Indicates whether the specified field's value that represents a row or column header of the processed cell is expanded. Inherited from PivotCellBaseEventArgs.
IsFieldValueRetrievable(PivotGridField) Gets whether the value of the specified column or row field can be retrieved for the current cell by the PivotCellBaseEventArgs.GetFieldValue method. Inherited from PivotCellBaseEventArgs.
IsOthersFieldValue(PivotGridField) Indicates whether the processed data cell resides within the "Others" row/column when the Top N Value feature is enabled. Inherited from PivotCellBaseEventArgs.
MemberwiseClone() protected Creates a shallow copy of the current Object. Inherited from Object.
OnSetSource(Object) protected When overridden in a derived class, provides a notification callback entry point whenever the value of the Source property of an instance changes. Inherited from RoutedEventArgs.
ReferenceEquals(Object, Object) static Determines whether the specified Object instances are the same instance. Inherited from Object.
ToString() Returns a string that represents the current object. Inherited from Object.
See Also