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FieldFilterValues Properties
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Contains filter values for a specific field.
Name Description
Count Gets the number of elements in the PivotGridFieldFilterValues.Values array. Inherited from PivotGridFieldFilterValues.
DeferFilterString For internal use. Inherited from PivotGridFieldFilterValues.
Field Gets the field which owns the current collection.
FilterType Gets or sets the field's filter type.
HasFilter Gets whether the current PivotGridFieldFilterValues object specifies non-empty filter criteria. Inherited from PivotGridFieldFilterValues.
IsEmpty Gets whether the current collection contains values used to filter against the current field. Inherited from PivotGridFieldFilterValues.
ShowBlanks Gets or sets whether records that contain NULL values in the current field should be processed by the control. Inherited from PivotGridFieldFilterValues.
Values Gets or sets an array of filter values. Inherited from PivotGridFieldFilterValues.
ValuesCore For internal use. Inherited from PivotGridFieldFilterValues.
ValuesExcluded Gets or sets which values are excluded from the current field. Inherited from PivotGridFieldFilterValues.
ValuesIncluded Gets or sets the values that are displayed in the current field. Inherited from PivotGridFieldFilterValues.
See Also