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DefaultMenuItemNames Members

In This Article
Contains names of the context menu items.


Name Description
ClearSorting Returns "ItemClearSorting". Corresponds to the field header menu item used to disable sorting in OLAP mode.
CollapseAll Returns "ItemCollapseAll". Corresponds to the field value menu item used to collapse all values of the field.
CollapseItem Returns "ItemCollapse". Corresponds to the field value menu item used to collapse the field value.
ExpandAll Returns "ItemExpandAll". Corresponds to the field value menu item used to expand all values of the field.
ExpandItem Returns "ItemExpand". Corresponds to the field value menu item used to expand the field value.
FieldMoveLeft Returns "ItemFieldMoveLeft". Corresponds to the field header menu item used to move the field header to the left.
FieldMoveRight Returns "ItemFieldMoveRight". Corresponds to the field header menu item used to move the field header to the right.
FieldMoveToBeginning Returns "ItemFieldMoveToBeginning". Corresponds to the field header menu item used to move the header to the first position in its area.
FieldMoveToEnd Returns "ItemFieldMoveToEnd". Corresponds to the field header menu item used to move the header to the last position in its area.
FieldOrder Returns "ItemFieldOrder". Corresponds to the field header menu group that contains items used to move the header in its area.
HideField Returns "ItemHideField". Corresponds to the field header menu item used to hide the field.
HideFieldList Returns "ItemHideFieldList". Corresponds to the menu item used to hide the Customization Form.
HidePrefilter Returns "ItemHidePrefilter". Corresponds to the menu item used to hide the Prefilter.
InvertFilter Returns "InvertFilter". Corresponds to the filter popup context menu item used to invert the filter condition.
KpiGraphic Returns "ItemKpiGraphic". Corresponds to the field header menu group that contains items used to select KPI graphics.
RefreshData Returns "ItemRefreshData". Corresponds to the menu item used to refresh data in the PivotGridControl.
RemoveAllSorting Returns "ItemRemoveAllSorting". Corresponds to the menu item used to remove sorting.
ShowFieldList Returns "ItemShowFieldList". Corresponds to the menu item used to show the Customization Form.
ShowPrefilter Returns "ItemShowPrefilter". Corresponds to the menu item used to show the Prefilter.
ShowUnboundExpressionEditor Returns "ShowUnboundExpressionEditor". Corresponds to the menu item used to show the Expression Editor.
SortAscending Returns "ItemSortAZ". Corresponds to the field header menu item used to sort field values in ascending order, in OLAP mode.
SortByItem Returns "ItemSortBySummary". Corresponds to the menu item used to apply Sorting by Summary.
SortDescending Returns "ItemSortZA". Corresponds to the field header menu item used to sort field values in descending order in OLAP mode.

Show Inherited Hide Inherited

Name Description
Equals(Object) Determines whether the specified object is equal to the current object. Inherited from Object.
Equals(Object, Object) static Determines whether the specified object instances are considered equal. Inherited from Object.
GetHashCode() Serves as the default hash function. Inherited from Object.
GetType() Gets the Type of the current instance. Inherited from Object.
MemberwiseClone() protected Creates a shallow copy of the current Object. Inherited from Object.
ReferenceEquals(Object, Object) static Determines whether the specified Object instances are the same instance. Inherited from Object.
ToString() Returns a string that represents the current object. Inherited from Object.
See Also