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NavigationPaneView Class

Represents a view similar to the Navigation Pane found in Microsoft Outlook 2007.

Namespace: DevExpress.Xpf.NavBar

Assembly: DevExpress.Xpf.NavBar.v14.2.dll


public class NavigationPaneView :


The behavior and appearance of the view implemented by the NavigationPaneView class is similar to the Navigation Pane found in Microsoft Outlook 2007. Only one group's content can be visible at one time. End-users can activate a group by clicking its header. The Navigation Pane (that is the entire DXNavbar control) can be collapsed/expanded by a click on the header section's expand button, in the same manner as the Navigation Pane in Microsoft Office® 2007.

This class declares members that are used to manage the layout, appearance and behavior of specific view elements, and to respond to changes in the Navigation Pane's expanded state.

Once you have created a new instance of the NavigationPaneView class, it should be assigned to the NavBarControl's NavBarControl.View property, to apply this view to the control.

See Also