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NavBarStringId Enum

In This Article

Contains values corresponding to strings that can be localized.

Namespace: DevExpress.Xpf.NavBar

Assembly: DevExpress.Xpf.NavBar.v14.2.dll


public enum NavBarStringId


Name Description

The text of the Navigation Pane Customization Menu's menu item that allows more group headers to be displayed within the Navigation Pane.

Default value: "Show _More Buttons"


The text of the Navigation Pane Customization Menu's menu item that allows fewer group headers to be displayed within the Navigation Pane.

Default value: "Show _Fewer Buttons"


The text of the Navigation Pane Customization Menu's menu item that invokes a submenu, allowing the visibility of group headers to be changed.

Default value: "_Add or Remove Buttons"


The text of the exception that occurs when an attempt is made to add a group object belonging to one NavBarControl to another NavBarControl.

Default value: "The group is already added to another NavBar."


The text of the exception that occurs when an attempt is made to add an item object belonging to one group to another group.

Default value: "The item is already added to another group."

See Also