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NavBarGroup Class

Represents an individual group within the NavBarControl.

Namespace: DevExpress.Xpf.NavBar

Assembly: DevExpress.Xpf.NavBar.v14.2.dll


public class NavBarGroup :


A navbar control maintains collections of groups and items. Groups are represented by instances of the NavBarGroup class which can be accessed via the NavBarControl.Groups property. This property returns the NavBarGroupCollection collection which allows you to add and delete groups within the navbar.

Use properties of the NavBarGroup class to specify the appearance and behavior of an individual group. Use the NavBarGroup.Header and NavBarGroup.ImageSource properties to define the caption text of a group and an image to be displayed within the group's header. A group's visibility can be controlled via the NavBarGroup.IsVisible property. The content of a group can be defined by either the NavBarGroup.Items or NavBarGroup.Content property, depending upon the NavBarGroup.DisplaySource property setting.

Set the NavBarGroup.IsExpanded property to true to expand a group; set it to false to collapse it. Use the NavBarGroup.SelectedItem or NavBarGroup.SelectedItemIndex property to determine a group's selected item.

Using the NavBarGroup.VisualStyle property you can define a visual style to be applied to a group. The appearance of a group's items can be controlled by using the NavBarGroup.ItemVisualStyle property.

See Also