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GroupBox.State Property

Gets or sets the GroupBox's state.

Namespace: DevExpress.Xpf.LayoutControl

Assembly: DevExpress.Xpf.LayoutControl.v14.2.dll


public GroupBoxState State { get; set; }

#Property Value

Type Description

A GroupBoxState value that specifies the GroupBox's state.


The GroupBox supports three states:

  • GroupBoxState.Minimized

    In this state, the GroupBox is collapsed, and its content is not visible to end-users.

    If the GroupBox.MinimizeElementVisibility option is set to Visible, an end-user is able to set the GroupBox to the minimized state via a dedicated Minimize Element button.

  • GroupBoxState.Maximized (supported when the GroupBox is displayed within a FlowLayoutControl)

    In this state, the GroupBox occupies the majority of the FlowLayoutControl, with other items arranged in a row or column along the control's edge.

    Assigning a GroupBox to the FlowLayoutControl.MaximizedElement property automatically sets the maximized state for the GroupBox.

    If the GroupBox.MaximizeElementVisibility option is set to Visible, an end-user is able to set the GroupBox to the maximized state via a dedicated Maximize Element button.

  • GroupBoxState.Normal

    This is a normal state for a GroupBox. Setting the state to Normal restores the GroupBox from the minimized or maximized state to the regular state and view.

See Also