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FlowLayoutControl.MaximizedElement Property

Gets or sets the FlowLayoutControl's item that is maximized. This is a dependency property.

Namespace: DevExpress.Xpf.LayoutControl

Assembly: DevExpress.Xpf.LayoutControl.v14.2.dll


public FrameworkElement MaximizedElement { get; set; }

#Property Value

Type Description

A FrameworkElement that represents the FlowLayoutControl's maximized item.


The FlowLayoutControl supports maximizing its items, one at a time. When an item is maximized, it occupies the major part of the control, while other items are arranged in a single layer (column or row) along the control's edge:

The following image shows the Group Box item in the maximized state:


You can maximize an item by assigning it to the MaximizedElement property. A GroupBox control (when it belongs to the FlowLayoutControl) can be maximized by setting the GroupBox.State property to GroupBoxState.Maximized. An end-user can maximize and then restore a GroupBox via the Maximize Element (see GroupBox.MaximizeElementVisibility).

The following code shows how to set the MaximizedElement property in XAML:

<lc:FlowLayoutControl MaximizedElement="{Binding ElementName=item3}">

It's possible to customize the position of the maximized element relative to the remaining items. In code, you can do this via the FlowLayoutControl.MaximizedElementPosition property. At runtime, an end-user can change the position via drag-and-drop, provided that the FlowLayoutControl.AllowMaximizedElementMoving property is enabled.


See Also