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FlowLayoutControl.LayerWidth Property

Gets or sets the width/height of layers (columns/rows) into which items are arranged.

Namespace: DevExpress.Xpf.LayoutControl

Assembly: DevExpress.Xpf.LayoutControl.v14.2.dll


public double LayerWidth { get; set; }

#Property Value

Type Description

A Double value that specifies the width or height of layers.


If items are arranged in columns, the LayerWidth property specifies the width of each column. If items are arranged in rows, the LayerWidth property specifies the height of each row.

Setting the LayerWidth property in XAML has no effect, because when XAML is parsed, items are not yet created.

When the value of the LayerWidth property is changed, the FlowLayoutControl.ItemsSizeChanged event fires.

An end-user can resize layers (columns/rows) or items via built-in separators. See the FlowLayoutControl.ShowLayerSeparators topic.


See Also