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FlowLayoutControl.AllowMaximizedElementMoving Property

Gets or sets whether a maximized element's position can be changed at runtime via drag-and-drop.

Namespace: DevExpress.Xpf.LayoutControl

Assembly: DevExpress.Xpf.LayoutControl.v14.2.dll


public bool AllowMaximizedElementMoving { get; set; }

#Property Value

Type Description

A Boolean value that indicates if a maximized element's position can be changed at runtime via drag-and-drop.


For information on a maximized element, see FlowLayoutControl.MaximizedElement.

The AllowMaximizedElementMoving property enables changing the position of the maximized element relative to the remaining items via drag-and-drop. If this property is set to true, an end-user can drag the maximized element above, below, to the left or right of the remaining items. A dedicated indicator is displayed during drag-and-drop, showing the selected position:


To change the position of the maximized element in code, use the FlowLayoutControl.MaximizedElementPosition property.

Note that drag-and-drop of a maximized element is supported if the object doesn't process mouse events itself.

See Also