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Dock Enum

Contains values that specify how an element is positioned within its parent.

Namespace: DevExpress.Xpf.LayoutControl

Assembly: DevExpress.Xpf.LayoutControl.v14.2.dll


public enum Dock


Name Description

An item is not docked. The item is displayed at the left top corner of its parent.


An item is docked at the left side of its parent.


An item is docked at the top side of its parent.


An item is docked at the right side of its parent.


An item is docked at the bottom side of its parent.


An item fills the remaining part of its parent, not occupied by other items.


In a DockLayoutControl, an item can be docked to the control's top, left, bottom or right edge or fill its central area. Use the DockLayoutControl.Dock attached property to specify how the item is positioned.

See Also