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TreeListViewCommands Properties
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Contains the commands allowing some frequently used TreeListView actions to be easily programmed via XAML markup.
Name Description
BestFitColumn Resizes the column to the minimum width required to display the column's contents completely.
BestFitColumns Adjusts the width of columns so that columns fit their contents in the optimal way.
CancelEditFocusedRow Hides the active editor, discarding all the changes made within the focused row. Inherited from DataViewCommandsBase.
ChangeColumnsSortOrder Inherited from DataViewCommandsBase.
ChangeNodeCheckState Toggles a node's check state.
ChangeNodeExpanded Specifies the expanded state of a node (expanded or collapsed).
CheckAllNodes Checks all nodes.
ClearFilter Clears the filter. Inherited from DataViewCommandsBase.
CollapseAllNodes Collapses all nodes.
DeleteFocusedRow Deletes the focused row. Inherited from DataViewCommandsBase.
EditFocusedRow Activates the focused cell's in-place editor. Inherited from DataViewCommandsBase.
EndEditFocusedRow Hides the active editor and posts all the changes made within the focused row to a data source if the row values are valid. Inherited from DataViewCommandsBase.
ExpandAllNodes Expands all nodes.
HideColumnChooser Hides the Column Chooser. Inherited from DataViewCommandsBase.
HideSearchPanel Hides the Search Panel. Inherited from DataViewCommandsBase.
MoveFirstCell Moves focus to the first cell displayed within the first visible row. Inherited from DataViewCommandsBase.
MoveFirstRow Moves focus to the first visible row or card within a View. Inherited from DataViewCommandsBase.
MoveLastCell Moves focus to the last cell displayed within the last visible row. Inherited from DataViewCommandsBase.
MoveLastRow Moves focus to the last visible row or card. Inherited from DataViewCommandsBase.
MoveNextCell Focuses the next cell after the focused cell. Inherited from DataViewCommandsBase.
MoveNextPage Moves focus forward by the number of rows or cards displayed onscreen within a View. Inherited from DataViewCommandsBase.
MoveNextRow Moves focus to the row or card following the one currently focused. Inherited from DataViewCommandsBase.
MovePrevCell Focuses the cell preceding the focused cell. Inherited from DataViewCommandsBase.
MovePrevPage Moves focus backward by the number of rows or cards displayed onscreen within a View. Inherited from DataViewCommandsBase.
MovePrevRow Moves focus to the row or card preceding the one currently focused. Inherited from DataViewCommandsBase.
ShowColumnChooser Invokes the Column Chooser. Inherited from DataViewCommandsBase.
ShowFilterEditor Shows the Filter Editor. Inherited from DataViewCommandsBase.
ShowSearchPanel Shows the Search Panel. Inherited from DataViewCommandsBase.
ShowTotalSummaryEditor Invokes the Runtime Summary Editor for the specified column. Inherited from DataViewCommandsBase.
ShowUnboundExpressionEditor Invokes the Expression Editor that enables editing an expression for the specified unbound column. Inherited from DataViewCommandsBase.
UncheckAllNodes Unchecks all nodes.
See Also