TreeListViewHitInfo Class
A class that contains information about what is located at a specific point within the TreeListView control.
Namespace: DevExpress.Xpf.Grid.TreeList
Assembly: DevExpress.Xpf.Grid.v14.2.dll
public class TreeListViewHitInfo :
#Returned By
Methods that return TreeListViewHitInfo instances:
Hit testing allows you to determine which element is located at a specific point on the screen. This can be used to provide additional hints within your application, manually process clicks on elements, handle drag and drop operations, etc.
Use the TreeListView.CalcHitInfo method to obtain the information on any point within a TreeListView. This method returns a TreeListViewHitInfo object that contains the required information (visual element, its location within a view, etc). To obtain which view element resides at the test point, use the TreeListViewHitInfo.HitTest property.